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Janet's POV

Gabs was over at my house helping me get ready when she finished putting on the last of my makeup.

I looked in the mirror and my mouth fell open. I looked nice.

I hope Luke liked how I looked.

My dad wasn't here so I had told Luke he could park in front of my house and knock on my front door.

I put on some of my newly bought Victoria Secret perfume.

When Gabs pulled out a nice red ribboned jewelry box.

"I got you something." She gleamed.

"Awe Gabs you didn't have to us not even my birthday yet." I laughed.

"I know but I just knew this would go perfect with your outfit." She said putting the box gently on my hand.

Inside the box was a golden necklace that said LOVE, matching golden bangles and earrings.

"Gabs this is way to much." I said looking at her.

"Well it's one of the good things when you have money, besides if you don't put them on I'll force them on you. They cost a small fortune and I want to give my friend something special for a special occasion." She smiled putting on the necklace for me.

Once I put them on I looked in the mirror.

"Do you like it? Does it look bad? Oh my god it looks bad. Luke is gonna hate the outfit." I started panicking.

"Listen," Gabs said making me turn around and face her, " you look gorgeous and you are gonna have a great time with Luke's family end of discussion." She said letting me go.

"Thanks Gabs you are my queen." I said hugging her.

"Anytime, and I'm all set for my date with Calum." She said as she finished styling her curled hair.

"Oh I can't wait, I ship you guys." I smiled.

"Thanks." She said when she finished her eye liner.

"Ding dong."

"That must be Luke." I exclaimed.

"Calm your tits," she said rolling her eyes.

"Ok, you go open the door and I will walk downstairs dramatically like in the movies." I laughed.

She just smiled and went to open the door.

Luke's POV

I waited patiently for the door to open.

But I grew anxious for the door to open. So I tightly gripped onto the red carnations that were in my hand. So I rang the bell again.

And that's when Gabriella opened the door.

"Hi Luke." She said holding the door open.

"Hey," I smiled.

"Awe are those for me?" She smiled sarcastically.

"Uh actually they are for Janet-" I started but that's when I saw her.

She was wearing a blue dress that flowed at the end and got to just above her perfect legs. She was wearing make up even though threw my eyes, she's looks so perfect. Always.

She smiled as she neared me. And that's when I noticed my mouth was open and I closed it quickly.

"Hi, oh umm these are for you." I said giving her the flowers I had hidden behind my back.

"Oh thank you Luke, they are beautiful, carnations are actually my favorite flowers." She said taking them and giving me a hug.

That's when I felt her body go rigid, "is something wrong?" I asked pulling away.

Her eyes looked lost as if she was thinking about something.

Janet's POV

Luke's words were in my head but they went out threw my other ear.

Carnations weren't favorite flowers because for my birthday, Kyle had taken me to the woods to a special spot by the river.

He had a cabin by the river.

The memory went into my head...

I looked all around, flowers everywhere. All around the house all around the boat and even around the water. He had to have had help with this.

"Kyle you did all this for me?" I asked looking all around.

"Of course, I love you, you are the reason I love my life, you are the reason why I want to have a great education to have a good job for our future, you're the reason the only reason." He said kissing me.

I placed my hands in his messy light brown quiff.

I knew I loved him as well. This was the most happiest day of my life, I want to walk down that aisle to see him at the end.

I pulled away and looked into his grey eyes.

He lead me onto a small boat that we could paddle with.

And he gently set me on it.

"I bought you a present," He said pulling out a beautiful acoustic guitar.

"Oh my god I have been saving for such a long time to buy a guitar." I squealed.

"I know," He smiled, "I just wanted to get my girlfriend a gift."

I learned how to play guitar when I was little since I had token lessons from my aunt Mavis. But sadly I only visited her on the weekends, and I had started to play 6 years ago when I was ten.

"I don't have anything to give you...well actually, I do." I said grabbing his hands.

"What is it." He said as his eyes sparkled like the stars.

"My heart, I love you Kyle. I know I do in here and here." I said pointing to my heart and head.

"You don't know how long I have been waiting to hear those words from your mouth." He said and that's when he pulled out a cake from behind him.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Janet, happy birthday to you." He said as he lit up the candle reading sixteen on it.

I wish that I could marry my one true love.

I blew out the candle and we are cake surrounded by carnations everywhere around us.

And they instantly became my favorite flowers.

The flash back ended and I was snapped back into reality.

"Nothing I was just remembering something." I said faking a smile.

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