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She was wearing a really, really, really tight black short dress that got to just under her butt.

"What are you doing here?" She asked looking me up and down in disgust.

"I-" but I was cut off by her shoving pat me.

I sighed. "What is it with everyone interrupting me?" I said sadly as I closed the door.

Seeing her in that dress, I felt a little insecure.

"Luke!" She squealed as she saw Luke in his tux and ran to him.

Luke's POV

I heard Vicky and turned to see her running towards me and hugged me.

Sure she accidentally killed my fiancé but it was just a accident.

"See you two should have ended up together, and not with that sad excuse of a women." I heard my dad say.

"That's enou-" but I was cut off by Janet speaking.

"Dinner is ready." She said to everyone.

We all slowly exited the living room and headed to my big table.

Janet had placed 2 chairs on both ends for me and her to sit on one end and my parents to sit on the other.

I sat down on my chair, but Vicky sat down on the one next to me and held my hand.

She smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Luke, Janet is suppose to sit there." Gabriella hissed at me.

"It's alright." I heard Janet say as her and Miranda passed out the beautiful designed plates with stakes on each one.

Janet's POV

I felt completely pissed at Luke for letting her sit next to him. But I didn't want to cause a scene.

So I sat next to Gabs and Ashton.

Gabs was pointing out all of Vicky's flaws to make me feel better but there actually weren't more than 2.

As for me, I just felt like crawling down under the table and hiding.

We thanked God for the food and started to dig in.

I sadly got one of the seats farthest away from Luke and I didn't feel good at all.

I didn't eat.

I just pecked at the food with my fork.

"Are you anorexic?" I heard Andrew say to me from across the table.

Liz scowled at her husband.

I held onto the tears.

I felt like crying but I didn't want to do I shoved my emotions down.

Of course that's until I turned and Vicwhoreia kissed Luke and Luke kissed her back.

She held onto his head tightly. Not letting him go.

That's when I had enough.

I got up off my seat and pulled Victoria off of Luke by her head and slapped her.

I was furious. I turned to Luke and walked quickly put the door.

I started running.

I'm not sure why but I just did. I let go and tears started falling down my cheek.

My legs carried me to the cemetery.

People were scared of going here at night but it was actually pretty peaceful.

I ran over to Kyle's grave and sat down, pulling up legs up to my chest and crying onto my arms.

"I should have chose to leave." I sobbed.

Luke was obviously ok staying with Victoria.

My heart ached.

I didn't know where to go.

I couldn't go back.

I couldn't go with my dad.

I didn't want to be by anyone.

Luckily I had grabbed my bag so I had my money.

I could check into a hotel or something.

My phone started ringing like crazy, and I got messages from everyone.

I didn't want to answer.

I got up and dusted myself off and put on my sunglasses to hide the fact I was crying.

I walked to the nearest hotel.

I didn't know how I was able to run to the cemetery and walk half a mile to the hotel in heals without getting tired but I did.

I sighed once I got onto the comfy bed.

I took a calming relaxing shower and put on the robe they had set along with slippers.

I turned on the TV and watched some episodes of Spongbob.

I turned off my phone, because I didn't want to be tracked down.

I didn't know how long I was gonna stay here, but I knew I was for a while.

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