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Janet's POV

We arrived at Luke's penthouse.

I wonder why he says he lives in a apartment this place is so beautiful.

Luke walked off towards the kitchen when I saw a beautiful black grand piano in the corner.

I walked towards it and sat down. I looked towards the window to see the view.

All the lights of all the buildings around where able to be seen.

And I fell in love with the view.

I started playing a very complicated piece by Mozart.

"You play?" I heard Luke say to me as I turned around.

"Yeah I do," I said looking at the piano, we had one at home that I had learned to play.

My mother always played when she was around and after she left I missed the music and watched YouTube tutorials and learned how to play by myself.

"I'm sorta rusty but I know how to play a little." He said sitting down and handing me a glass of wine.

I took a sip of the wine and it was delicious. It must have been pretty expensive.

That's when Luke got up and grabbed his phone putting on a slow song.

"Dance with me?" He asked extending his hand towards me.

"I don't dance well but ok." I laughed.

He put his arms around my waist and I put my arms around his neck as we swayed to the slow music.

Luke twirled me around and I started dancing weirdly but we just laughed.

I started putting my hands up in the air and waving moving myself around when I noticed Luke recording me with his phone.

"Luke I don't want to be recorded." I said hiding my face.

"Awe don't worry babe only I will see it." He said pausing the video.

So we continued dancing for a while until it was time to go.

When we arrived we pulled up to a huge mansion with a beautiful lawn, and a huge water fountain.

I never new Luke had such a rich family.

That's when I started panicking in the inside.

Did rich people actually have all that fancy eating techniques and silverware like they did on TV and movies?!

That's when I felt Luke grab my hand tightly as we walked up the steps.

He ringed once and a boy about our age in a fancy tux opened the door.

He must be the butler because he acted like one.

He even bowed in front of Luke.

As we walked, Luke took off my coat and through the mirror I could see Mr Pervertive looking at my ass.

I don't think Luke noticed because he had a huge smile on his face when Liz and I'm guessing Luke's dad came into the scene.

"Luke darling how was the trip." She said to Luke who was standing in front of me.

"It was good." He said grabbing my hand and gently tugging on me to come out from hiding behind him.

"Awe Janet you look so beautiful, you look like you could be a super model," She said hugging me tightly.

"Awe so she's the one who made my boy complete." Mr Hemmings laughed as he hugged me.

I saw Mr Pervertive walk away from my sights but not before I saw him shoot me a wink.

"You know Luke would not stop talking about you the other day when he came to visit." Mr Hemmings laughed.

Making me smile at Luke to see him blushing stars and stripes.

"Well I guess I should address you guys formally, Janet this is my mother, whom you have already met, this is my father Andrew. And those two are my brothers Ben and Jack. He said pointing at two boys in the living room watching tv." Luke said as we walked over towards them.

After watching the football game that was on tv Luke's brothers started joining our conversations and I was having a great time.

"So how did you two meet?" Andrew asked us.

"Well in school actually." I said turning to look at Luke.

Luke looked down at me and smiled.

"Awe that is sweet," Liz said looking at both of us.

"And when did you know you each were the one." Andrew asked.

"Well the moment i laid my eyes on her, I thought she was just the most perfect and attractive person I had ever met." Luke said kissing my cheek.

Awe is that how he really felt? Oh wait I had forgotten that this was just a facade to keep Luke's parents off his back.

I sighed forcing a smile on my lips.

"Dinner is served Mr and Mrs Hemmings." A maid with red curled hair said ogling Luke.

I turned to Luke but he was oblivious to her as he was starring at me.

I got up and followed everyone to the kitchen.

Luckily they had a simple meal of spaghetti and meatballs and had regular silverware.

Phew so this wasn't gonna be a total catastrophe.

Everyone was chatting and talking but I had lost interest so I started looking all around the room to see Ms Red Head opening a phew buttons on her shirt and grabbing the spaghetti getting ready to serve.

As she served everyone, when she got to Luke last she put her chest so close to Luke's face that maybe even a millimeter of difference was in between. But thankfully Luke was to deep into his conversation with his family that he did not notice her.

She frowned and walked away.

Except one problem...she forgot to give me my food.

I frowned, and that's when Mr Pervert came over with a bottle of wine and started serving everyone shooting me a wink.

That's when I felt Luke's arm go protective around my waist and his eyes shot daggers into Mr Pervertive.

But he just ignored Luke and continued serving everyone else.

"Janet where is your plate of food?" Liz asked.

"I wasn't served any but it's alright I'm not hungry anyways." I lied as I felt but luckily didn't hear my stomach growl.

"Nonsense we have plenty of food and I can tell you are lying." Luke said calling over the maid.

She came hear literally bouncing up and down when she heard her name come out of his lips.

But immediately fell when she was scolded for not giving me food.

"Please don't get mad at her, she was just a little distracted." I said to Luke's dad.

"Sorry." She said serving me my food but still a little to close to Luke for my comfort.

And that is when I knew this night had sort of became a disaster.

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