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After eating lunch, me and Luke arrived back at his penthouse.

That's when I called everyone letting them know I was alright.

"Yeah Gabs I'm fine." I laughed.

"Oh by the way my cousin is coming over." She said.

"The one with brown hair and is really hot?" I asked hearing a low growl come from Luke's chest.

"Eww, he's my cousin how would I know, but yeah that's the one." I heard her laugh.

"Well count me in to go to your house." I laughed as Luke starred in jealousy.

"Mine." I heard him say as he pushed me down on the couch and started sucking on my neck.

"Ok well gotta go Gabs," I said hanging up really quickly.

"What's up with you?" I giggled threading my hands through his soft blonde hair.

"You're mine and only mine." He said crashing his lips onto mines.

Luke and I arrived the next day at Gabs place.

"Remember you're mine and only mine, and if you don't want me to punch the guy in the face and show everyone that you are mine in Gabby's bathroom then I will." Luke ranted.

I rolled my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me..." Luke growled pushing me up against Gabs door, "or I might have to spank you." He said brushing his lips up against my cheek, making a moan escape my lips.

That's when I leaned against the doorbell and it rang.

Luke immediately composing himself in 7.5 seconds.

I on the other hand took a while more to fix my disheveled hair.

"Hi Janet." Melanie, Gabs mom greeted as we entered.

"Hi Melanie." I said giving her a tight hug.

"And what's your name?" She asked turning to Luke.

Luke grabbed her hand kissing it, "Hemmings, Luke Hemmings." Melanie's mouth dropped opened, and she blushed. Looks like not even Melanie can stand Luke's looks. I wonder how Gabs could stand Luke's looks.

"Ok James Bonds, let's go." I laughed pulling Luke away.

Melanie stood there for a couple of moments with her mouth open, and then shut it quickly following after us to the living room.

"Gabs!" I said excitedly hugging her as she hugged me back.

That's when I saw him.

He walked up to me and kissed my hand.

I felt like swooning.

"Hello love." He smiled. I heard Luke's low growl.

That's when he noticed the ring on my finger and frowned.

"Hi," I managed out.

"Who's the lucky fella?" He asked letting go of my hand.

Luke wrapped his arm around me and that's when I was sucked back into reality.

"Oh Louis this is Luke, Luke this is Louis." I said introducing them together.

"Louis from 1D?" Asked Luke.

"Sure is." Louis smiled.

"Nice to meet you. Janet is my fiancé." Luke said pecking me cheek.

"You wouldn't happen to be Luke Hemmings?" Louis asked.

"Yeah. How did you know?" Luke asked.

"I saw your videos on YouTube." He said.

They started chatting about band stuff and I headed over with Gabs handing her the pie I brought.

"I brought homemade apple pic." I smiled.

She smiled back as she served the spaghetti.

"So maybe you guys should play in front of the lads and I." Louis said to Calum and Luke.

"That would be amazeballs." Calum said turning to Luke.

"Yeah that would be." Luke said going into Lala Land.

I was typing away with Matt on my phone.

Matt😘: Hey do you wanna hang out tomorrow?

Me: Sure what about movies?

Matt😘: yeah that would be great😚

"Babe?" Luke said shaking my leg, everyone was starring at me.

"Umm what happened?" I said blushing slightly.

"If we should go bridal shopping tomorrow?" Gabs asked looking at me.

"Umm, yeah sure." I said not really listening and going back on my phone as dinner was served.

Me: ok well gtg gonna eat byeeee

I turned off my phone as we all said grace and started eating.

"Mmmm this is delicious." I said as I took a small spoonful of spaghetti.

"Yep, my special recipe," Edward, Gabs dad said.

After eating I got up with Gabs and we served everyone pie along with a scoop of cookies n' cream ice cream.

"You are gonna make a perfect wife." Luke moaned as he ate the pie.

"So have you guys thought about when you should have the wedding?" Cal asked as he ate another spoonful.

"Umm..." I started, I hadn't really thought about it.

"How about after school ends?" Luke asked, resting his hand on my thigh.

I thought about it and nodded.

That would be really sweet.

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