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Janet's POV

Matt's nose was bleeding and he looked furious but he left.

"Did he touch you where you didn't want to be touched?" He asked inspecting me gently as if I were a glass doll.

"No... I'm just glad you arrived." I said looking down at the floor.

And he gently lifted my face to look up at him.

"I'm incapable of leaving you alone." He said making me get closer to him.

And he gave me a sweet gentle kiss. And he wrapped his arms around my body gently. But I cringed even at the slow movements.

"What happened?" He asked pulling away.

"Nothing." I said looking at anything but him.

"You're a horrible liar, come with me." He said pulling me towards his car.

Once inside we continued what we started and he moved to take off my flannel, oh shit that's what he had planned. He wanted to know what's going on.

Once he managed to take off my flannel, he stopped.

"Son of a...what happened, who did this to you." He said and he was only seeing part of the bruises.

"I think I should go, I don't wanna talk about it." But I was stopped from leaving and he lifted up my top, not the whole way but to just underneath my bra.

"Please tell me who did this to you?" He pleaded looking into my eyes.

"I- I can't." I said pulling my top down and grabbing my flannel getting out of the car.

"Janet wait." I heard Luke yell after me.

I'm sure glad I can run in heels, I thought to myself.

As I made a run for it I ran through the back yards of a few houses zig zagging making sure that he would not find me and got to the back of my house.

I took off my shoes and started climbing the tree that grew by my room and got onto my balcony.

I could barely hear faint calls for my name but it was so far away I knew he wasn't anywhere near me.

Once I got inside I sat down on my bed.

I pulled up my legs to my chest and started crying a full on cry.

That's when my phone rang and Luke's name popped up on the screen but I refused to answer.

After receiving 18 missed calls from Luke and 7 messages from him I decided to take a shower and take off my makeup.

Once getting out I went to sleep having the nightmare I had almost every single night.

2 years ago...
I was eating ice cream with my boyfriend Kyle. And we were walking home when suddenly a guy came out with a gun.

"Give me all your money, and the girl comes with me." He said stepping closer to me.

"Over my dead body she does," Kyle said as he tried grabbing the gun and they started fighting for it, each trying to gain control.

Then that's when a bang was heard. And Kyle fell to the floor,and the guy fleeing away.

"No!" I screamed in horror as I saw Kyle clutching his lower stomach where blood was leaking out.

I pulled out my phone calling emergency and giving them our location.

"Kyle stay with me, I got you." I said crying holding Kyle to my lap.

"I don't think I can, I'm sorry babe I know our dream of getting married, having children, and growing old together was our life's plan." He said quickly.

"I love you too babe, and your gonna make it through this I can hear the ambulance it's getting close, I can see us happy in our future home, with our children and grand children all around us." I sobbed. "Please don't leave me I can't live without you." I said rubbing his cheek.

"I don't want to leave you either, you are the girl I have always dreamed of, the one I wanted to watch walk down the isle in a beautiful white dress headed towards me. You are the only reason why I want to continue life, you saved me from the road to hell I was taking, you taught me what the word love really meant." I started to cry even harder.

When we got inside the hospital, the doctor started talking to me.

"We got the bullet out," He said.

Oh thank god.

"But he lost a lot of blood, and he needs a blood transfusion but his blood type is O-. It's the rarest blood on the planet and unfortunately we don't have any blood from that type." He said sadly.

"Can I go see him." I said keeping my feelings inside.

"Yes why of course." He said opening the door.

As I walked in Kyle opened his eyes and his heart race quickened a little.

"Why you look at that, 2 years into our relationship and you still make my heart race." He smiled making me laugh.

"So what did doc say." He said looking into my eyes with hope.

I grabbed his hand tightly. Tears threatening to spill out.

"I'm not gonna make it am I?" He asked as his eyes started closing a little, and his heart beats started quickening.

I sank down to his height, standing on my knees on the floor.

I shook my head slowly. As the tears started to escape.

"I love you so fucken much please don't leave." I said through tears.

"Listen to me babe...please just remember even if I'm not there, I'll always love you forever and always." He gave me a last kiss before his heart monitor had one long line.


I woke up. I could barely breathe.

I'm glad it was Saturday.

I hopped off my bed and did my daily routine, grabbing my keys and phone and walking out the door.

I was headed towards the cemetery to visit Kyle's grave, which I did every Saturday.

Once arriving I sat down next to his Grave with flowers I had boughten on the way over.

I sat down with a bunch of red carnations.

I had brought over my guitar and started to play slowly singing a few of the songs.

I started strumming to Justin Bieber's song As Long As You Love Me.

Kyle sang it to me once when we wanted to escape my house and leave forever, but sadly my dad had stopped us from leaving.

Virtually just like the real music video.

I started talking about my day as I lied down next to his grave.

Wrecking Ball || Luke Hemmings ||Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin