Chapter 69

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Annabeth's POV

After the war, all that was left of me were tears.

Omega didn't wake up. He wasn't in a coma state. He had gone through a few stages of surgery and Victor ran a few tests, but he wouldn't tell me anything but that he wasn't going to be okay.

And it felt like it was my fault.

We couldn't rely on Tartarus anymore to keep him alive. I was only allowed to visit him twice a day. I had changed my schedule just to see him. Going to see him was the most happiest times of my life. I sighed and stepped into his room. Victor was there like usual and Omega was still and pale like a statue. I carefully moved the chair next to his bed. Victor sent me a sideways glance at went back to arranging whatever.
"He got a lot better."
I looked at his back. I heard the quiet clinking of glass bottles.
"He can wake up soon."
I paused. "I don't like the can."
"5 minutes."
I scowled and looked back Omega. He looked peaceful. I pushed back a lock of black hair wishing that the can could turn to will.


After a long day out, l couldn't feel more tired.

I squeezed my hair against the towel in attempts to dry it completely. There was nobody in the cabin. I looked around and took out a picture of Percy and l. I traced my fingers around his face. He looked so beautiful. I remembered Tartarus imitating him, trying to get time. It was cruel, but l was thankful in some ways. He had imitated him so well that l felt like l was seeing him in person. I felt tears form in my eyes, but l wiped them away. They always blurred my sight. I couldn't stop seeing Percy.
"I'm scared Percy." I sniffed. "You were always here. Can't you come back?" I looked down and let the tears fall on the glass. "I'm sorry." I cried. I pressed the picture close to my chest. I hated ending up like this. But l was so scared- scared that Omega wasn't waking up, scared that Percy would hate me, and scared that they both weren't at my side.

A familar scent pressed close to me. His strong arms streched around me to wipe my tears. He put his head lightly on my shoulder. I was shocked to feel his own tears.

"I'm sorry too." he kissed me on the cheek. "And l love you."


Reyna's POV

I knew that this was the last chance.

The war had ended. There was no excuse l could make to stay here. I bit my lip, feeling uncomfortable. I didn't dress up, but just untied my hair, remembering when he had first showed some attention to me. I stood outside the door, waiting for him to come out, getting nervous by the second. I had never felt this nervous in my life. Living as a completely single confident leader, l had dreamed of romance since l had met Jason. I doted romance novels and read all these books about attracting people and hung out with Aphrodite kids even though they were a bit annoying. I remembered Fabio, a guy that was really handsome- and l loved him so much but was heartbroken when l saw him dating a girl that was beautifully beautiful, and that was it.

The crush ended with tissues and red eyes, like everything did.

Suddenly, Victor bumped into me while coming out the door.
He tilted his head but didn't scowl. "Why are you here?"

Why couldn't someone like me first?

"I'm leaving." I said in a rush.
He raised a blonde eyebrow. "Yeah?"

I didn't know why l liked him. He was mean to everyone, always in a bad mood, was old, and had a quite shady past and just wasn't bright even though he was a Apollo kid.

I took a deep breath. "I think I'm going crazy."

Maybe thats what made me like him. His shady side. Maybe his cold demeanor made him more attractive to me. Maybe the hopeless hope of how good it would feel if he gave me one of those Apollo kid smiles to me.

I kissed him on the lips, on my tiptoes.

I wasn't sure why, but l liked him too much for my own good.

I stepped back.
I rushed back, feeling awkward. What did l do? How would l see him again?


I stopped.

"You know it's rude just saying what you need to say."

I looked back to see him beckoning me to come with his hand. "I have to reply, don't l?"
I took a few nervous steps in front of him. His intense blue eyes seemed to glare straight to me. He sighed, pushing his hair back.

"I think I'm going crazy too."

I frowned. "Wh-"

He cut me off effectively with a kiss.

And after a few seconds, l closed my eyes, for once feeling loved.



ext is the last chapter

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