CH. 1

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"Cal, don't look it in the eyes!" You shoutted to your sister but it was too late, she looked the Enderman in the eyes and it had begun to attack her. You just shook your head. 'She's always reckless like this, why bother trying to stop 'er?' You thought to yourself. You looked back up at the laptop screen to see she was swinging her pickaxe at it, but to no avail. You ran over to it and started hitting it with your diamond sword, and, not before long it lied dead in front of you.

DarkHeartt: Danke! X3 Cally says into the chat.

OhNoezMoeZilla: Np..

"Welcome back!, BENDee14!" The server announced. 'Hey, he's on!'

OhNoezMoeZilla: Hey Ben!

DarkHeartt: Whuddup Benny

BENDee14: Don't call me that..

DarkHeartt: :3

BENDee14: Hey, Moe

You typed into the chat-box /tp BEN and within seconds you were right in front of your Minecraft buddy, Ben.

OhNoezMoeZilla: Able to Skype?

BENDee14: I think so, one sec.

It.. took a few minutes but, eventually you recieved a Skype call from Ben. You answered it, along with Cally.

"Hey. So, we're gonna build a giant house. Wanna help?" You asked. There was a few seconds of silence before he says "Oh, yeah sure.". A smile formed on your lips as you alt-tabbed back over to Minecraft and began cutting down some more Birch trees.

"I got 3 and a half stacks of Oak tree trunks, is that enough?" Cal asked.

"Yeah." You say. "That should be enough for the design."

"You girls already made plans without me? How unfair!" Ben yells playfully. You had once again smiled, and walked over to him in the game and hit him before saying "Well, you should have got on yesterday when we MADE PLANS to talk about all of this."

"I couldn't make it, I was busy with things.." He objected.

"Oh yeah, like what?" Cally asked. "Painting your toenails?" She laughed, and you did too. How could you NOT? Truthfully we don't know what he does in his free time..

"If I told you I'd have to kill you!" He says, laughing.

"Yeeaah, what color did you use, BEN?" Cal says jokingly, still laughing.

"Alright, alright. We gotta get back to building the house guys." You say, laughing lightly yourself. You got out your Birch wood tree trunks and crafted them into wooden planks, and you just built the best you could.

                                                                                       + - + - + - +

"Wow," You say walking up the steps. "this looks better than I had imagined, guys."

"All of my hard work paid off!" Cally exclaimed happily.

Ben started laughing. "Hard work? You kept going AFK to get pork rinds and water."

"Shh, shh..." She says, getting closer to the mic. "It paid off.."

You quietly started laughing at their 'arguing' as you looked over your shoulder to look at the clock on the cable-box, but, rather you ended up getting hair in your face.. You calmly blew some of your (H/C) hair out of your view and quickly took notice that it was waaay too late to be up. Your Aunt's going to be so mad that you stayed up this late.

"Cal, we gotta get off." You said sadly. "Aunt Ash is gonna be pretty mad at us tomorrow.."

"Crap, I forgot about that.." Cally says, annoyed. "Alrighty.."

"In case you haven't heard, Ben, we gotta go.." You say as you exit out of Minecraft. "Will you be on tomorrow?"

"Mmhm." He replies lowly. "Will you?"

You sat there and thought for a moment until you finally came to a conclusion that you.. really didn't know.

"I'm not sure," You say. "tomorrow's gonna be a really busy day for us."

"What's goin' on tomorrow?" Ben asked.

"Eh.." You say.

"Our Aunt's having this HUGE yard sale. EVERYONE's supposed to be there.. Including us, to help out." Cally says, finishing my sentence.

"That." You say with a smile.

"Ooh." He laughs a little bit. "Sounds fun."

"For you.." You say in a flat tone. "You're not the one who's gotta go aalll day standing and talking to people aaaaall while being treated like crap.."

Again, a moment of silence fills our headphones before he just says "Yeah.."

"Welp, we should go now." Cally says slowly shutting her laptop screen. "G'night Ben."

"Night." He replied. "Good luck with tomorrow."

"Thanks. Goodnight Ben." And with that you shut your laptop and sat it on your desk that lied right next to your bed. You grabbed your blankets and sunk deeper and deeper underneath them until your head hit your pillow and you sighed. 


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