Monkey (Ashton & Preston)

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Ashton walked into the kitchen after he'd heard a loud noise. It had sounded like something had been pushed off the counter and broken on the floor, but he couldn't imagine what would do that.
Well, he could imagine what would do that, but he was hoping he wouldn't find what he was thinking he would find.
He found what he thought he would find.
Preston had somehow gotten onto the counter and into the cabinets. He'd found the cookie jar, but it was so out of reach that he'd used a big spoon to try and push it closer to him. Apparently, he'd misjudged how close it was and had knocked the whole thing onto the floor.
Well, this was an interesting start to their day.
Ashton stood in the kitchen doorway for a moment, watching as Preston looked down at the broken jar and then continued to search through the cabinets for a different snack. He had to laugh. Preston wasn't even concerned about getting in trouble. His whole focus was getting junk food. At the sound of his dad's laugh, Preston turned around and looked at him with wide eyes.
"Don't move." Ashton said, stopping Preston as he began climbing down. He grabbed a broom and started sweeping up the broken glass and cookie crumbs. He couldn't even be mad at this. If he had been in Preston's position, he would have done the same thing. Especially if he loved cookies as much as Preston did. "Alright, Monkey, come here." Ashton reached out to lift him off the counter, setting him down on the other side of the kitchen, further away from the pile he'd just swept up. (Preston had a habit of being a whirlwind of mess and Ashton didn't want to sweep again.) Ashton knelt down to look at him. "I've told you countless times to not climb on the counter. And that you can't have cookies before dinner. You just broke two rules."
"If they're broken, that means I can do it again, right?" Preston asked, giving Ashton a cheeky smile.
Ashton shook his head. "It doesn't work that way."
"Well it should." Preston mumbled.

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