Asher Comes to Work (Luke & Asher)

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On Saturdays, Asher usually went to work with Luke. The little café was hardly busy when the businesses around were closed, so the slow days made it easy for Luke to watch the little guy. He spent the majority of the time cleaning up form the week and talking to the elderly ladies that always stopped by for brunch. They gave the greatest tips, especially when Asher came with him. On occasion, they even gave him a bit of their wisdom whenever he was at a loss of what to do with Asher.

Today, there was more of a rush than usual. Lunch time was usually pretty busy, but it was exceptionally crowded now. Luke was going back and forth between his tbales and the kitchen more times than he could keep count. He'd set Asher up with a coloring book and juice at the closest table to the kitchen. The host, Katlyn, was keeping an eye on him.

Luke was passing by the table for the hundredth time that day, but at that moment he noticed something different.

He stared down at the half-eaten piece of chocolate cake that was set in front of a chocolate-stained Asher. "Where did that come from?"

"Kat" Asher said, trying to look as innocent as possible. 

Luke narrowed his eyes. "Why did she give you cake?"

"I asked if I could have some" Asher smiled, taking another bite. "I told her you said I could"

"I don't remember saying that."

"You were really busy." Asher replied, turning back to his coloring book. "You said, 'Yeah sure whatever.' It was before you almost knocked over Mr. Chuck." Luke had been in a rush and had almost smacked the kitchen door in his boss' face. He wasn't the least bit surprised if he'd said something without even fully hearing what Asher was asking. Luke knew for a fact that he was getting behind on orders, but he was too shocked by how manipulative his kid was being at the moment to care. 

Luke couldn't think straight. "Fine. Don't do that again. No more cake."

Asher smirked. "Okay."

If he had more time, he would've given Asher some sort of lecture his mom would ahve been proud of. But he could hear their cook yelling for him to get his orders and Katlyn was pushing past him to help fill up drinks.

He had to admit, it was pretty good timing on Asher's part. Not that he'd ever tell the kid. 

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