The Incident (Michael & Rigby)

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The floor was lava, that was the only rule to this game. Michael, Luke and Calum stood on the couch, trying to figure out a way to get to the kitchen. Rigby was in Ashton's arms, standing on the coffee table. 

"Throw a pillow." Luke said, nudging Calum. And he did, one after another. There was a little path made towards the kitchen. There was just enough space to jump onto the counter in the kitchen. Luke went first, making it safely onto the counter without getting burnt. Calum stumbled and ended up dying halfway there. He sat on the floor, kicking at Michael's feet as he passed by. Ashton offered to help Rigby, but she refused to move until he let her jump on her own. So he jumped onto the couch and waited on the armrest. 

Rigby jumped from the coffee table to the couch, but the table slid underneath her foot and she slipped, unable to get a stable balance onto the couch. 

It seemed to happen in slow motion, but fast enough fro Ashton to not be able to grab her. Rigby hit her head on the edge of the table and crashed onto the ground.

Michael officially didn't care about the lava on the floor. He jumped down from the counter and was beside her in seconds. 

"That's gonna bruise." Ashton muttered, helping Rigby sit up. She'd started crying once she was able to realize what had happened. Michael pulled her into his arms, trying to calm her down. 

"Here." Luke handed him a pack of frozen vegetables. Michael gently pressed it against the back of ehr head. 

"It hurts." Rigby whimpered. 

"I know. I'm sorry." Michael glanced around. Luke and Ashton were moving the furniture back while Calum was on the phone. 

"Calling her doctor." Calum explained, beginning to pace back and forth. "They said she'll probably be okay but just keep an eye on her. She may have a concussion."

Michael sighed. "Okay, that's it. No more jumping on the furniture."

"Trust me, no one was thinking about it."

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