Dentist (Luke & Asher)

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  Luke had to trick Asher into getting in the car. He'd overheard Luke on the phone mentioning the dentist and the kid had gone and hid somewhere in the apartment. Which was a major talent, considering there weren't many places to hide that Luke couldn't find him. Seriously, the small amount of space in this apartment was no joke.

Anyway, he had to pretend to call the dentist and explain that since he couldn't find Asher, he had to cancel the appointment. As soon as he "hung up", Asher came out of his hiding place.

"What are we gonna do now?" he asked, grinning from ear to ear.

Luke shrugged. "Let's around and figure it out."

Getting Asher out of the car turned into an ordeal once Luke pulled up to the dentist. He gripped tightly to his seatbelt, holding on with dear life as Luke tried to carry him into the office. He was getting sympathetic looks from parents passing by. But none of them offered to help, so whatever.

When they managed to get inside and back to the examination room, Asher fell silent with fear. His eyes stayed wide, hands shaking, and nervously glancing around. This was why Luke hated going to the dentist.

But if Asher had just listened to him and brushed his teeth, this wouldn't have to happen as much as it did.

As they were examining his teeth, Asher gazed over at Luke, looking like a little hurt puppy. Luke could feel the guilt weighing down on him. This was Luke's nightmare. He hated doing anything that made Asher even slightly miserable. It tore his heart to pieces.

Even doing something as responsible as taking his cavity-filled kid to the dentist made him feel like a bad parent.

At least, this time Asher waited to cry after the dentist was done.

Luke held him in his arms, trying to balance comforting the kid and signing all the necessary paperwork. He decided to take a minute and just sit with Asher until the poor kid had calmed down a little bit.

"Can we get ice cream?" Asher asked in a tiny voice.

"You have got to be kidding me." Luke blurted out before he could stop himself.

(y'all probably hate me, it's been forever and a day. I'm so sorry guys! but please enjoy this new update!!) 

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