Homesick (Michael & Rigby)

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The sleepover started in ten minutes and like usual, nothing was packed.

"One day." Michael announced, standing in the middle of Rigby's room. "We won't be late for something."

Rigby sat on the floor, shoving her things into a bag. She stopped, staring at it all with a little pout. 

"What's up?" Michael sat down beside her, taking out a few articles of clothing and starting to fold them.

"I've never been to a sleepover before." Rigby placed the folded clothes back into the bag, being careful not to mess anything up. "What if I don't have fun?"

"You'll have lots of fun!" Michael zipped the bag up and turned to look at her. "You guys will probably play lots of games and watch movies and dance and sing and do stuff little girls like to do." Michael poked her cheek. "Does that sound boring?"

Rigby shook her head, smiling slightly. "What if I can't sleep?"

"You guys will be running around so much that you'll knock out as soon as your head hits the pillow." Michael stood up, grabbing the bag. "Ready?"

At first, Rigby did have fun. They ran around outside playing hide-and-seek for hours and then they had pizza for dinner. The movie was funny and lots of girls talked to her. It was at night when things slowed down and RIgby found herself all by herself while the other girls played with dolls. She'd never had any interest in Barbie's, much preferring her toy cars and stuffed animals. None of the girl paid any mind as she curled up with her elephant and watched from a distance. She wanted to go home. Michael would've never ignored her.

Michael got the phone call around midnight that Rigby wasn't feeling well. He drove down to the house that the sleepover was being hosted and picked her up . She was silent for the entire car trip, so at first Michael thought she'd fallen asleep. He realized that she'd just been sitting quietly when he helped her climb out of the car. 

"Do you really not feel well?" He asked, balancing her on his hip while he unlocked the front door. 

Rigby shrugged. "I feel sick."

"Homesick?" Michael set her down, closing the door behind him. He knelt down to look her in the eyes. "Did you miss home?"

Rigby nodded, staring at the ground. "I missed you."

Michael smiled, ruffling up her hair. "I missed you too, Rig." He picked her up and carried her back to her room. "I guess it's just not time for sleepovers."

"Yeah, we should wait." Rigby nodded, jumping up and down slightly when Michael stood her up on her bed. "I like sleeping here."

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