The Talk (Ashton & Kadia)

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Ashton picked Kadia up after school like he did every day. He had another class in half an hour, so he had to drive and quickly drop her off at Calum's. After class, he picked her up, completely ready to go home and not think for at least an hour. However, Kadia had questions that Calum hadn't been able to answer. He'd told her to ask Ashton and that's exactly what she wanted to do.

"Do you want juice?" Ashton asked, tossing the keys on the counter and going to the fridge.

"Daddy, what's sex?" Kadia climbed onto the barstool, leaning against the counter. Ashton turned around to look at her. 

"Where did that come from? Was Calum watching TV with you?" He started walking towards the phone, ready to call the guy and give him an earful. Calum was terrible at making sure the shows were age-appropriate. 

"We talked about it at school." Kadia replied, catching Ashton's full attention. "But it didn't answer any of my questions."

Ashton stood there for a second then slowly said. "What questions?"

Kadia thought for a second. "How do babies fit in a mommy's belly?"

Ashton smiled slightly. She would think about that. "When there's a baby in there, a mommy's belly grows really big." He turned to the fridge to get some juice. "That's why sometimes at practice you see the mommy's with really round bellies." He poured her a glass and slid it across the counter towards her.

Kadia took a sip of juice. "How does the baby get there?"

Ashton's smile slid off his face. "No one explained that?"

Kadia shrugged. "They never said how the baby got inside the belly. They used big words but they never mentioned a baby." 

Ashton stared at the counter for a while, trying to come up with something to say. "Babies are really tiny at first but they grow inside the belly. Like a plant."

"How do they get out?"

Ashton had no idea what to say to that. "Mommies..." he hesitated. "Basically it looks like they poop out a baby." Kadia giggled. "Is that all of your questions?" She nodded, much to Ashton's relief. "Okay, good."

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