Didn't Make It Part Two (Luke & Asher)

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(continuation of last section)

It was blur of people by the time the news had spread throughout their friends and family. His parents, her parents, Michael, and Ashton were at the hospital less than a few minutes of each other. It was chaotic, to say the lest. Her parents stayed a small distance away, silently grieving for a daughter they hadn't been able to say goodbye to. His parents stuck to his sides, sitting on the ground with him and trying to bring any kind of comfort to him. Despite the fact that Luke was there, he had never felt so far away before. 

Ashton, Michael, and Calum were the only ones that went to see the baby. They stayed in the room and gave the family some space for most of the night. 

Her parents were the first out of everyone in the hallway to go see the baby boy. Luke's parents went in without him a while after. He refused to get up. He didn't want to see this baby. He didn't want to be anywhere around it unless she came back and their plan to raise him together came true.

However, if anyone needed to see this kid it was Luke and Ashton knew that. 

Ashton always seemed to know what to do and how to help in situations that seemed hopeless. If that meant literally lifting Luke to his feet and shoving him into the room, then so be it. 

Nurses and doctors had stopped by throughout the night and given the all clear. Surprisingly enough, this little boy was much more of a fighter than anyone had planned. He was only in the incubator for the first few hours of his life. They moved him into a regular baby bed and the family was allowed to hold him.

"Take a seat." Ashton said, guiding Luke into a chair. Her mother handed the little baby to Ashton. Luke shook his head. 

"I'm not holding him." He mumbled, earning a disbelieving look from Ashton. "I can't. I won't."

I think you're forgetting who you're talking to. You're holding your kid. I don't care if you don't want to. He's your kid and you're his dad. Stop acting like that." Luke shook his head, burying his face in his hands. 

"Luke," his mom knelt down beside him. "it's going to be okay."

"When?" He mumbled. "When I'm too exhausted to feel anything anymore? When I've been up for a week straight and just stop caring? I don't want that. She was supposed to be here. I wasn't supposed to be doing this alone." 

"I know. I'm sorry." He felt like a kid again, being comforted by his mom. It was a weird feeling considering all of the growing up he'd had to do over the past few months. All of it seemed to have gone to waste now. The room stayed silent for a while aside the little noises the baby would make every so often. Ashton was still holding him.

"I can't do this." Luke mumbled. No one tried to convince him otherwise. 

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