Where's mom? (Michael & Rigby)

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That movie "Definitely, Maybe" was on TV one evening, Michael didn't feel like flipping the channel and he wasn't concerned about having to censor anything since Rigby had fallen asleep in the hallway halfway through playing with her toy cars. It was an alright movie from what Michael saw. He fell asleep about halfway through it. 

When he woke up, Rigby was already awake, crawling onto the couch. 

"Daddy?" She plopped down on his chest, looking at him curiously. "What was that movie about?"

Michael rubbed at his eyes, squinting in the morning light. "What movie?"

"The one you were watching before you went to sleep." Michael remembered part of it vaguely. 

"The daughter was asking about who her mom was." He mumbled, lifting Rigby up and sitting her on the couch as he sat up. It hit him a second later what Rigby was getting at. "Are you asking because you want to know too?" When she nodded, Michael sighed. "What exactly do you want to know?"

Rigby stared at him for a second. "Did you love her?"

"I probably could have." Michael shrugged again. "But I'm really grateful for her."


"Because she gave me you." Michael poked her belly, making her giggle. "And you're the best gift I've ever gotten."

"I am?' Rigby looked up at him, her eyes full of joy.

"Of course you are." Michael hugged her tightly, kissing her forehead.

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