He Left Me (Ashton & Kadia)

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Kadia stared out the window expectantly. Behind her, Luke was currently doing laundry and Calum was flipping through the channels on the TV with no real interest. Every so often, Kadia would glance their way or towards the door but nothing was really going on. 
She’d slept over the night before, which wasn’t unusual. Sometimes when Ashton had to work later than usual, she’d stay with the guys just to make sure she had somewhere there for when she woke up. But Ashton usually picked her up in the morning. 
Morning had passed and Ashton was nowhere to be seen. 
“Where’s Daddy?” Kadia finally asked as Luke laid a plate of chicken nuggets in front of her at their little dinner table.
“On a trip for work, we told you yesterday.” Ashton had been promoted and was going for some training an hour or so away. He wouldn’t be back until the end of the week, so Kadia was going to be staying with Luke, Calum, and Michael since she had to be at school. 
Kadia pouted. “I want him to be here.”
Luke poked her nose. “Sorry, sunshine, he’ll be back soon though.”
That was not enough for Kadia. She wanted Ashton now and no later. She pouted, giving Luke her best pleading look. 
“I can’t make him appear, Kadia, sorry.” He smiled and shook his head, turning back to his own lunch. 
Kadia sat there in silence, staring down at the nuggets. Then she burst into tears, startling Calum and Luke. Kadia didn’t cry often, and when she did it always seemed to surprise them. 
“What did you do?” Calum asked, narrowing his eyes at Luke. 
“Nothing!” Luke hissed, shaking his head. “Kadia, what’s wrong?”
“Daddy doesn’t love me anymore!” Tears streamed down her face as she looked at Luke. “That’s why he left!” 
Luke quickly shook his head. “That’s not true! He had to go do work things.” He fumbled for his phone, quickly tapping away. “I’ll prove it, hold on.” Kadia quieted down, waiting while Luke’s phone rang for a second.
“Everything okay?” Kadia perked up at the sound of Ashton’s voice coming from the phone. She leaned over and caught sight of Ashton’s sleepy face looking back at her.
“Daddy!” She exclaimed, smiling brightly.
“Please tell your daughter that you’ll be back soon and that you didn’t leave her and that you still love her.” Luke said with a sigh.
Ashton looked at him in confusion before saying, “I’ll be back soon, I didn’t leave her, and I still love her. What’s going on?”
“She thinks you don’t love her anymore.”
“False, that’s a total lie.” Ashton said quickly. “I love her so much and I can’t wait to be home and hug her until her head explodes.”
Kadia giggled. “I love you, Daddy!”
“Trust me, I love you more.”

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