How to Twirl (Luke & Ruby)

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Luke sat on the couch, playing a game on his phone while simultaneously listening to his girlfriend give their four-year-old daughter a few instructions. Their little girl had voiced her desires to be just like her mom since practically the day she could talk. And baton twirling had been about third on the list. Right behind style and her sassy way of talking. So not too soon after her first gymnastic class, here she stood in their little living room. Wearing one of her favorite dresses, there was her mother's first baton in her hand and both her parent's attention on her. 

Well, sort of.

"Daddy, did you see me?" Ruby asked eagerly, jumping up and down in excitement. 

"Yeah, that was awesome." Luke mumbled, his mind more on the fact that he couldn't beat this level and debating on actually buying more lives. He glanced up in time to see his girlfriend frowning at him. "But I would love to see it again."

With a big smile, Ruby twirled the baton in between her fingers three times before it flew off and bounced across the floor. She ran to retrieve it while Luke applauded with exaggeration. She giggled and bowed.

"That was so cool, Ruby!" Luke hugged her tight as she joined him on the couch. He ruffled up her hair once she'd climbed into his lap. "You're gonna be even better than your mom soon."

"She's got a few more practices to go, but it could happen." With a little kiss on Ruby's head, his girlfriend passed by them to put the batons away. Ruby had shown that she was a natural, but there was still a risk of knocking something over. Better safe than sorry. The TV was new.

"I'm gonna be just like Mommy." Ruby said with a nod of determination. "I'm going to grow up and be a majorette." Luke smiled and kissed the top of her head. She was so adorable when she talked like that. "I'll be a national majorette and me and Mommy will go all around the world and compete!"

It had been her dream since she'd found out her mom had given up twirling to raise Ruby. She was determined to get her mom back out there and competing. If that meant that Ruby would be competing too, then that's exactly what she'd do. 

"You're going to be amazing." Luke said, hugging her tightly to his chest. He liked that she was so optimistic about the future. He just wished the future could stop feeling so close. He liked the time he was able to spend with his little girl. He didn't want her to grow up yet. 

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