Asher Starts Crawling (Luke & Asher)

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Asher really liked the sound that pots made when he drummed on them with a spoon. Plus it kept him busy when Luke had to be responsible and clean the apartment. Luke also always knew where Asher was whenever he was having his little concerts. Luke was in the middle of cleaning the bathroom (after avoiding doing just that for over a week) when it got quiet. In a lot of situations, people would have found the silence comforting. But with a seven-month-old, it was the complete opposite. Luke walked into the kitchen where Asher had been and found it completely empty.

"You've got to be kidding me." He muttered, checking underneath the table and opening up some of the cabinet doors. The kitchen was void of any babies. Luke leant over the counter to check the other side of the wall that separated the kitchen and the living room/his room. There was a spoon lying on the floor, but still no Asher. Luke walked through the living room, checking around the couch, TV, and pile of blankets he'd thrown on the floor. Still no sign of the kid. 

Trying not to panic, Luke called Michael. "I can't find Asher."

"What do you mean you can't find Asher?" Michael mumbled. "There's literally a handful of places he can go in that apartment."

"He's literally not here." Luke started pacing. "I think someone kidnapped him."

Michael stayed silent for a while. "Right. Well just in case he's not, did you check his room? This wouldn't be the first time you've left him in there and forgotten about it."

Luke started to protest and then thought better of it. He walked back down the hall, passed the bathroom and entered the nursery. 

There, on the floor, sat Asher. 

"Found him." Luke exhaled slowly. 

"You're welcome." Michael hung up.

Luke stood there for a second in disbelief. "How did you get in here?" He walked over and knelt down in front of Asher, who smiled and giggled like nothing had happened. After a moment, Asher turned away and placed his hands onto the ground With a little wiggle, he pushed himself forward and started crawling towards the door.

"Oh." was all that Luke could say.

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