Appendicitis (Michael & Rigby)

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Rigby had complained about abdominal pain for at least an hour now and Michael was starting to get worried. Her cramps were always bad and it wasn't rare to find her curled up and not moving for a day or two. But this was different. She was moving around constantly, unable to get comfortable. At one point she'd cried until she had no tears left. Now, she was lying on the couch, moaning and groaning while Michael called her doctor.
He drove her to the emergency room ten minutes later. The doctor had mentioned a few options from bad food to a cyst and Michael couldn't figure out which one he would've preferred. Either way, Rigby was in an unbearable amount of pain.
"I can't walk." Rigby mumbled, curling up in the passenger seat and hugging her stomach. "It hurts too much."
"It's okay." Michael rushed over to her side of the car, lifting her up. "I got you."
They had her in a room, taking blood in about half an hour. The test results came back soon, with the bad news. Appendicitis. They had to rush her into surgery soon to remove the appendix before it got worse.
Ashton was at work, but Luke and Calum stopped by to wait with Michael for the procedure to end. It felt like a long time, but it probably wasn't. Rigby was settled into a room for recovery already and she was still fast asleep.
Michael sighed, sinking into a seat next to the bed. "I hate hospitals."
Luke and Calum hummed in agreement, taking their own seats.
When Rigby woke up, she was groggy for a while but got better with time.
"I'll be honest, I thought my stomach would feel different when I was missing an organ, but there really isn't any change." She mumbled, taking a sip of water.
"Huh." Michael muttered, flipping through channels and settling on an episode of Supernatural. It was Yellow Fever, their favorite episode. "That's pretty weird."
Their night stayed uneventful, excluding scaring the crap out of a nurse when Dean screamed at the cat jumping out of the locker on the TV. But uneventful was the way Michael preferred his nights.

I've been thinking of rewriting this series as a continuous story. Would anyone be interested? 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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