Sign (Ashton & Preston)

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   Ashton found Preston surrounded by books one afternoon. He'd gone to the library with Luke earlier that day while Ashton had been working at a wedding, so this was something Ashton had expected. However, what the books were was a bit of a surprise.

"What's this, Monkey?" Ashton took a seat in the little bit of space that was still open, glancing around at all the books.

"I'm studying." Preston gestured towards the book in front of him. "I want to learn sign language."

Ashton was a little taken aback by that. Usually, Preston loved getting books on historical moments. Sign language was new.

"Any specific reason?"

Preston nodded, flipping through the book in his lap as he spoke. "There's a new kid at school. His name is Gabe. He's deaf. He can read lips but he needs an interpreter sometimes." Preston looked up at Ashton. "He doesn't get to play a lot with us during recess, since it's hard for him to sign and read lips and run around with us. I thought if I could learn how to sign I could help him."

Ashton was speechless. This was a new side to Preston he'd never seen before. Ashton tried not to sound too critical or anything, but Preston was known for being so wrapped up in his own head that being inclusive hardly cross his mind. It was something they had been working on. But at six, there hadn't been much progress. 

Pride swelled up in Ashton's chest. He pulled Preston into a hug, kissing the top of the kid's head. "That's amazing, Monkey."

Preston looked pretty proud of himself too. "I've already learned most of the alphabet."

"You know, some people say it helps to learn something new if you teach it to someone else. Do you want to try?" Ashton adjusted into a more comfortable seat.

Preston frowned. "I tried that with Uncle Luke. I'm better off on my own."

Ashton figured he was better off not knowing.

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