Surprise (Michael & Rigby)

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It was a perfect day to stay inside and do absolutely nothing. Video games, movies, getting pizza delivered, it all sounded like a good idea.

But instead of the pizza being delivered on time (which totally meant it was free, bonus!) there was something else on the doorstep to Michael's apartment. There was a baby carriage sitting there. And, yep, there was a baby inside too. Michael had always heard about stuff like this happening, but he thought it was just a TV thing. Ideas to make shows interesting with just the right amount of predictability.

He almost closed the door. Pretended that this thing wasn't there and that he had no knowledge of any of it. Maybe someone would stop by and take the baby.

Maybe someone had gotten the wrong address.

He knelt down, peeking at the little thing inside the baby carriage. The baby couldn't be much older than a few months. And there was no doubt that she was Michael's. They had the same nose and eyes and hair color and mouth and wow what had he just gotten himself into?

He sat down, staring at the baby and then he noticed the note. 

As if this couldn't get any more cliche.

He read it over, most of it not even sinking in for him. It was from a girl named Eleanor (he remembered calling her Nor) and she was going off to become some big successful choreographer. She'd run out of options and dropped off the baby (her name was Rigby) on his doorstep because-surprise!- he was her father. He had full control of Rigby now. Nor wrote down a list of people that were looking to adopt. ("In case you don't want to keep her.") along with a few different contact information. Michael stared at it for a while before glancing back up at Rigby.

She was actually kind of cute.

He could picture it: a family of two. Would it be absolutely terrible to raise her on his own? It wasn't like he didn't have help. Parents and three best friends that could easily Google anything they didn't know. It was a possibility.

He tilted his head to the side, watching little Rigby sleep. She was really cute. What was the worst that could happen?

Getting up, Michael lifted up the baby carriage and brought it into the living room. He could think it over some more. But he couldn't just leave her out there while he did.

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