Michael & Rigby

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"Nope." Michael walked around the apartment, picking up trash from last night's movie. Luke and Calum had come over to watch one of the year's scariest movies while Rigby had been over at her grandparents. The two of them had been talking about it over breakfast after Rigby had come back home. The movie had piqued her curiosity. But Michael knew for a fact that she'd get absolutely terrified if she watched it. She was only ten.

"Oh come on! You watched it!" Rigby held out the garbage bag for him to throw things in.

"Exactly. Nope. And I mean it." He turned around to make sure she caught the 'I'm serious' look he was giving her. Rigby sighed, crossing her arms in defeat. 

The defeat didn't last long. Michael had to take an extra shift that night at work, which meant Luke was coming over to stay with her.

"I'm bored." She whined, plopping down beside Luke on the couch. "We should watch a movie."

"Which one?" Luke stretched out on the couch, feeling exhausted from a day of classes and cramming for a test. It was almost a guarantee he'd be asleep  in minutes.

Rigby picked out an old kids movie she grew up watching, getting Luke's approval. It played for a few minutes and then she turned it off as soon as she knew Luke was asleep. She slipped the DVD of the scary movie in and settled into the couch. She was ready to prove Michael wrong.

Like every other time she tried to prove Michael wrong, Rigby turned out to be very, very wrong. She didn't sleep that night after the movie. Her dad had been right. It was too traumatizing. But it was like a car crash, once she'd looked, she couldn't look away. She regretted it with every ounce of her being.

Michael found her staring blankly at the black screen of the TV, Luke sound asleep right next to her. He reached out to tap her on the shoulder, earning a blood curdling scream in response. Luke jerked awake and glared at her. 

"You watched the movie, didn't you?" Michael asked, watching Rigby catch her breath.

"I'm never sleeping again." Rigby muttered.

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