Costumes (Michael & Rigby)

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Rigby and Cassie were looking for costumes for the costume party Kellen was having for his birthday. Since they were using Michael's money, he'd tagged along too to give his approval and whatnot.
"Why do I have to dress up? I hate dressing up for things. This is stupid." Cassie grumbled, watching Rigby pull out costume after costume.
"Oh come on, it'll be fun!" Rigby handed her a cat costume. "I'll do our makeup and make us look extra cool."
Cassie sighed, taking the costume and staring at it. "This looks awful. It barely covers anything."
Michael's head snapped up. "Put it back."
Rigby scoffed, shooting daggers at Michael. "Just try it on for fun. You don't have to get it. There's a thousand other costumes to try on."
Cassie shrugged, turning to the dressing room. "You have to give me your honest opinion!"
She walked back out, placing the cat ear headband on top of her head. She placed her hands on her hips, glancing at the two of them. It covered more than Cassie had implied. The skirt was kind of on the shorter end, but Michael didn't think she needed a blanket over her head or anything to protect her.
"It's not as bad as I thought it would be." Michael shrugged.
"It's alright." Rigby shrugged. "I think I found one that's better though." She held up another costume. "They've got two styles for a Lost Girl costume which actually matches Kellen, since he's going as Peter Pan." She glanced at Michael. "Completely appropriate too."
He shrugged. "Alright, cool."
While the girls tried on their costumes, Michael started looking around for the fun of it.
And then he saw it.
And he just couldn't resist.
"Where'd your dad go?" Cassie asked, stepping out of the dressing room and looking around. Rigby shrugged, looking down at the costume and tugging at the shirt.
"I like these, let's get them."
Cassie glanced down at her own costume and nodded in approval. "Sounds good to me. But your dad has the wallet so..." She gestured around them. "Where is he?"
Rigby frowned, glancing around. "Dad?"
"Yeah?" Michael stepped into view, causing girls to look at him in shock.
"What is that?" Rigby asked, staring at his outfit in confusion.
"Pikachu." Michael replied simply, glancing down at the big yellow jumpsuit he'd found. He smiled proudly. "I'm thinking about buying it. It's comfortable."
"Oh no." Cassie said, shaking her head. "I officially don't know you."
Michael smirked. "Is this embarrassing you, Cassie?"
"No. if I was embarrassed, that would mean I knew you." She turned on her heel and started walking towards the cash register. "Come on, Rigby, stay away from the strange man."
"Can't go far! I'm paying!" Michael called, laughing at the way Cassie's face scrunched into a scowl.

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