Girl Accident (Michael & Rigby)

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Michael answered the phone a little confused. Rigby was at school last time he checked. Why was she calling him?

"Daddy?" Michael sat up. Something was clearly wrong. "Can you pick me up early? I need to go home." 

"What's wrong?" He got up, grabbing his keys off the counter as he started walking towards the front door. "Why do you sound like you're in pain?" Her voice was so strained that it almost didn't even sound like Rigby.

"Because I am." She groaned. "My period started and I'm cramping really bad right now. I feel sick." Michael let out a little sigh.

"Hey, you're okay, listen to me. I'll be there in five minutes, just go to the nurse's office and wait there." He slid into the dirver's seat, pressing the phone to his ear with his shoulder. 

Rigby was quiet for second. "You're taking this a lot better than you've done before."

"That's because I'm a mature adult that is strong enough to deal with these issues." He sounded very proud of himself. "Can you make it to the nurse's office?"

"Yeah if I drag a trash can behind me."

Michael sighed. "I'll pick you up outside the bathroom. Just stay there, okay?"


"Yeah, no problem." Michael hung up, weighing his options. He could risk getting a ticket and speed there or he could be a responsible adult and get there in a reasonable amount of time. He'd risk it with the cops, Rigby needed him.

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