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Michael pov:
It was the day of the Grammys, I just put on my clothes for the night. I then invited my hair stylist and my makeup artist to come over and make me look decent. Lisa walked in the room wearing a thin slink long dress with her hair straightened. Once I saw her walk in my room, my mouth dropped from staring at her in that dress. Lisa had her arm leaning on the door.

Lisa: "so how do I look?"

I was speechless and vary shy when it comes to pretty women..

Me: "you look.....very nice"

Lisa: "thank you honey"

She kissed me on the lips and walked away to get her jacket The limo for us drove In front of the house so Lisa and I hopped in. I started to look out the window while biting my lip from nervousness. Lisa had her hand on my lap trying to start a conversation.

Lisa: "so Michael maybe after this we could go to the bed..."
Me: "I'll think about it.."

After that,we haven't been talking until we got there. The paparazzi gathered around the limo flashing their cameras at us. The limo driver opened the door for us to get out. I held Lisa's hand walking down the red carpet, we both posed smiling at the cameras in front of us.




I didn't answer any rumor questions but said I love you to all my fans screaming in the crowed. Lisa and I kept walking around the carpet with many celebrities around us. Once I heard the Paparazzi screaming the name Johnny Depp I quickly turned around.



I saw Briel wearing a black beautiful Dress with her hair out curled. The thing that made me get surprised........she was pregnant. She cheated on me and now has a child with someone. My heart slowly breaking every time I stared at her smile and seeing her hold his hand. The way she walks, the way she holds her stomach, the way she talks to him with a smile on her face made me want to runaway and cry.

Lisa: "Michael lets go the show is about to start!"
Me: "I'll be there in sec I just have to use the bathroom"

I walked away from the crowd and left to go to the bathroom.

Briel pov:
I was walking with Johnny Depp, the paparazzi gathered around taking pics of us holding hands posing. I then started to look around to see my favorite celebrities again. I couldn't believe I'm at a another award show and I couldn't believe how many people showed up. I then glanced at Michael who was with.....Lisa.

I couldn't stop looking at him and the way he bites his lip and the way he giggles. I'm sorry Michael that I cheated and I never knew you where there by me. He must of gotten over me already because he has to deal with his history album.

Johnny: "are you ok babe?"

Me: "uh yeah I just need to use the bathroom before the show starts"

I was walking to the bathroom holding my stomach but then I saw Michael talking to Lionel Richie near the bathroom. I didn't know what to do to get in the bathroom. I fast walked past them but then Lionel Richie called out my name so I slowly turned around to them. I walked up to them with my head down so I wouldn't look at Michael.

Lionel: "how's the pregnancy doing?

Me: "um um.....its um doing ok"

Michael was staring at me biting his lip while me and Lionel was talking. He didn't say a word to me but his eyes just watched my every move I made. I looked at Michael then my eyes looked at Lionel Richie fast. 

Lionel: "well I'll see you at the show bye guys"

He walked away from me and Michael and We where awkwardly standing there face to face. I had to really go to the show to sit with Johnny. I walked away from Michael but he grabbed my hand.

Michael: "don't walk away please"

Me: "I have to go......"

Michael: "I just can't stop loving you!"

Me: "Michael I love you too and I'm sorry!"

Michael and I lips touched together kissing like we haven't kissed since forever. Tears fell out of my eyes from me missing him get close to me.

Michael: "you have to stay with your Boyfriend, you and him are having a baby"

Me: "but you just said you love me.. Why can't we be together?!"

Michael: "I do and always but we just can't..."

He walked away from me and went to the award show. He got me standing there alone...

Michael You take my breath awayWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu