ch 32: Don't Touch Me!

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I decided that Chili from the girl group TLC will be Briel in the book, I hope you guys like the look i'm trying to make for Briel. Keep reading and love you all!

Briel pov:

Michael grabbed my hand taking me to the car, all I was doing was staring at Micheal's rage on his face. I have never seen him so mad like this but I understand that he cares about me. We both got in the car and Michael starts driving with fast speed. I didn't even have time to put my seat belt on from how fast he was. He drove through traffic lights, stop signs, and ally ways. We were finally there, he parked his car In their huge garage and we both walked toward the door. Michael knocked on the door with power waiting for him to open up.

Me: "Michael what the hell are you going to do when you see him?!"

Michael: "Don't worry I got this"

Latoya opened the door, she was still covered in dry tears and marks on her face.

Latoya: "I thought you were supposed to stay in the hospital bed until tomorrow..."

Michael: "I was until I heard that Jack was still doing this to you and him hitting my girl!"

Latoya: "please don't bother Jack right now he's tired"

Jack appeared wrapping his arm around Latoya, he smirked at Michael and I while he bites into a apple. Once Michael saw his face I knew there some shit about to go down, Jack was about to speak until Michael Muhammad Ali punch on his ass. Jack shook it off and started punching him but Michael blocked some of his punches. He grabbed Jack and pushed him hard into the big glass window. The window was beginning to shatter and pieces of glass went right into Jack's arm. Jack was screaming in pain and he quickly took a gun out of his pocket and aimed it at us. Once that gun faced me I didn't know what to do but stand there with my hands up.

Michael: "you don't have to do this...."

Jack: "shut up or ill kill you and your bitch!"


Jack: "I might just kill your little brother right in front of you....."

Jack put the gun at Michael's head and God knows how I cried when he done that, If I moved then we both were going to die. Latoya slowly creped behind jack and sneaked attacked him by wrapping a belt around his neck. Jack was trying to take it off while he's getting suffocated but Michael pulled Latoya away from Jack.

Michael: "we are not trying to kill him!"

Latoya: "I don't care, he ruined me!"

Michael: "its over now let me take you to mother's house"

It all got quit after that and all I could hear was Latoya crying in the back of the car. I looked up at Michael while he was driving wearing a bandanna covering his mouth and black sunglasses on. I couldn't stop staring at him, I was proud he showed a different side of him that night.

Michael pov:


It was a bright sunny morning at the Neverland ranch, I woke up beside Briel. I got out of bed and walked down stairs where Kingley was watching Martin in the play room.

Me: "Kingley change the channel"

Kingley: "Daddy I want to watch this!"

Me: "Go play with your toys instead"

Kingley: "okay"

There was a knock on the door, I walked toward the door and opened it. Debbie was standing there with sweat pants on and a sweater. I really didn't want to see her right now when Briel's sleeping and the way she was acting yesterday. I raised my eyebrows at her waiting for her to say something.

Debbie: "sorry about yesterday, I was at a bachelor party before I came to visit you"

Me: "um its alright...."

Debbie: "....but everything I said was true about you"

Me: "wait what?"

I heard Briel's footsteps walking down the stairs, I quickly closed the door on Debbie and ran to the kitchen before Briel gets there. I started pretending that I was reading the news paper, she walked in the room with a smile on her face. I gave her a good morning kiss.

Briel: "good morning sweetie"

Me: "good morning, how was your sleep?"

Briel: "bad because all I was thinking about was last night and I've been feeling really nauseous"

Me: "oh....."

She started pouring her self some coffee in her mug and she then looked up at me with a pissed face. I looked around the room so I can try to block what she was about talk about.

Briel: "You didn't tell me why that stank ass hoe was on top of you!"

Me: "She was drunk she said"

Briel: "why you always lying, I know she is trying to have sex with you"

Me: "what! I only hired her to be my nurse and she's good with kids so she can sometimes babysit Kingley!"

Briel: "mmhmm..."

There was another knock on the door so Briel walked toward the door and opened it. Debbie was still there expecting that I would open it. Oh snap Briel turned around at me with a pissed off face then she looked at Debbie.

Briel: "well speak of the devil, what do you want?"

Debbie: "um uh I wanted to speak to Michael"

Briel: "no you cant right no--"

Briel began to throw up on the floor, Debbie and I quickly brought her to the couch to rest. She was beginning to heat up and was about to throw up another time. I grabbed a bucket from the kitchen and gave it to her but she decided to throw up on my mickey mouse pajamas.

Me: "ew I just got this from Disney world"

Briel: "Debbie you tell me what's my problem since Michael says you're a doctor!'

Debbie: "when was the last time you guys had sex?"

Briel: "excuse me!?!"

Debbie: "well I think you're pregnant but you might have to take a pregnancy test before I predict that"

I was exited to hear that she was pregnant but Briel's face looked like she was worried about something.....

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