Ch 40: Played

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Just to get this clear for some readers, Daryl is Michael From the music video Bad, please keep reading and I love you guys! xoxo

Michael pov:

I sat in the living room with Kingsley watching The Bill Cosby Show, I was mostly thinking about Briel and if she was okay. I gotten myself off the couch and went straight to the kitchen so I can get my self some left over KFC. As I opened the cabinet to get a plate, there was letters cramped inside the shelf. I was eager to open one of them open so I began taking the letter out of the envelope. 

Dear Briel,

I can't stop thinking of you and that crazy night we had in my car. I  guess you think i'm weird for trying to see you once more when you're now married to Michael, but I just couldn't take the pain of not telling you that I have feelings too. Call me back or even write me a letter if you have the chance.



I just kept reading it over and over again tying to remember the name she yelled out when I saw her hiding in the closet. I then started pacing around the kitchen trying to not get mad, but my madness got control of me so I threw plates and cups on the floor. Briel played me by saying this guy is just a friend to her but he's sending us mail so he can mess our life. The only choice was to go to where they went, I called a nanny to babysit Kingsley and then I got in the car. 

Briel pov:

Daryl and I was almost finished with desert, This night was different and rare to me since all I do was stay at home while Michael is on tour. Daryl just kept winking at me once I put my head up, he really needs to work on his wink game because Michael can do better then that. The waiter walked toward us holding a restaurant bill in his hand.

Waiter: "Do you guys need anything else before I give out the bill?"

Daryl: "No we would like the bill please"

Waiter: "You can leave it on the table and leave, I'll get it in a second" 

Daryl put the bill on the table, It was 300$ and my eyes just kept staring at it like it was no tomorrow. He put his jacket on me once we got outside the place. I looked at him in the eyes without saying a "thank you for letting me use your jacket!"or a "This was a great night!". We both got in the car making it real awkward to say a word until Daryl asked me a question.

Daryl: "Would you like to go over to the club near by with me?"

Me: "I think its time for me to get going, I have a child to care for"

Daryl: "It will be me"

Me: "...fine but we cant stay long"

Daryl then started the car and began driving to this club that he's talking about. while the drive, I decided to put some music on. The song called Remember The Time by Michael started playing so I put the speaker up and started moving my body while sitting in my seat. I kept singing along while Daryl looked extremely annoyed and unconformable at the same time.

Me: "Do you remember, When we fell in love, We were so young and innocent then!!"

Daryl: "......"

Me: "Come on sing with me, remember when we both auditioned to be the dancers so you had to know the whole song if you auditioned!'

I kept shaking him by the shoulder until he was going to sing with me, but he quickly turned off the radio without saying why he did that. 

Me: "What's your problem!"

Daryl: "Listening to him is the problem!"

Me: "That is my man you are talking about, he worked hard to make that song!"

Daryl: "forget about it what I said....we are already there"

I looked out the window, the club was glowing neon lights from the outside of the club. There was a long line of people wanting to get in and my ass was not waiting in the cold for this. I then saw famous people like Halle Berry, Usher, Gwen Stefani, Naomi Campbell and many more. Daryl helped me out the car and leaded me to the VIP line. I found out that we were on the VIP list for the party where we will be at a privet section in the club with famous people. Paparazzi started surrounding us before we even walked inside.

Paparazzi: "Briel tell me the fight between you and Debbie?!"

Me: "sorry,No answer..."

Paparazzi: "Next question, an article was saying that Michael might be the baby daddy of Debbie Rowe's baby, is this true that Michael cheated on you by having sex with her and is that the reason why you were going to kill your self?!"

Daryl: "She doesn't want to answer questions right now!!"

 Paparazzi: "Do you think Debbie is trying to steel Michael away the same way you took Michael away from Lisa?!"

 Daryl couldn't deal with the man following us around, Daryl grabbed his Camera and started breaking it then he pushed him down to the ground. Daryl and I finally walked in the club, neon flashing lights around the place while the DJ was doing loud turn up remixes. Everyone there was wearing less clothes, sweating from being crowed by other drunk or high people, and others in the bathroom having sex. It felt so awkward when I walked in, I was already getting bumped by people dancing. 

Daryl: "want me to get some drinks?"

Me: "sure"

He then walked away leaving me there with my arms crossed just watching everyone around me. I then decided to take my coat off and sit alone waiting for him....

Daryl pov:

Once I got the drinks, I walked toward the women bathroom still holding them. I opened the door and put the drinks on the bathroom counter. I then put in some drugs to make her get drunk pretty easily so I can have that one night stand with her again. The bathroom door opened up....

Lisa: "Did you do it yet?....."

 Me: "Yeah....the media will know all about this after Briel and I have sex"

Lisa: "Good, I always wanted that bitch to get payback for what she done to me....."

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