Ch 38: Dead To Me

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Briel pov:

I couldn't take her anymore, all she wants is Michael and i'm not letting her get through me. I walked down stairs and saw Michael helping Debbie up from the floor. Debbie looks fucked up once I looked at her in the eyes, I walked toward her and punched her in the face making her fall back down.

Michael: "BRIEL!"


Michael: "Because she is't not feeling good..."

Aunt Madea: "mmhmm that's the bad karma God put in her ass for killing my niece's baby!"

Me: "Preach aunt Madea"

Michael helped her up again and walked out the door without looking back at me, all I want is to live a happy family without all this drama that she started. I began crying on the stairs steps while my family members were cheering me up. There then been a knock on the door,  If its that woman then i'm punching her in the stomach. I walked toward the door and opened it...

Daryl: "Hello Briel..."

Me: "Daryl? why are you here?"

Daryl: "I wanted to tell you that I was in court for killing your father and they said I was not guilty" 

Me: "So you told the police that I didn't kill him?"

Daryl: "Well you never killed him in the first place and he doesn't have to keep messing with your life even while he's dead"

Me: "Thank you how can I repay you!?"

Daryl: "By going on a date with me...."

I was speechless once he asked me that, he then handed me a rose that he was hiding behind his back. I couldn't say yes and I couldn't say no to him, he saved my ass from the cops but I would never hurt Michael again. Let me just see if Daryl and I can hang out tonight and maybe we can be good friends after that. 

Me: "sure, at 7:00 pm"

Daryl: "Good and ill pick you up"

I closed the door, I then leaned on the wall thinking if I was doing the right thing or not...

Michael pov: 

I was in the back seat with Debbie while my driver was taking us to a doctor, Debbie was laying on my lap sleeping. How did this day end up me taking this witch to the doctor, all I wanted to do was go to Disney Land with Omer and Kingsley. The limo parked in front of the doctors, Debbie and I got out and walked toward the entrance door. 

Dr.Peter: "Oh hello Michael what seems to be the problem"

Me: "Debbie this is my good friend Dr.Peter and he will be helping you go through this"

Debbie: "Are you leaving me with him?"

Me: "yeah"

Debbie: "No please don't leave me here!"

Debbie pulled me by the arm trying to let me stay but oh god no I will not stay with that woman for a whole hour while I have a family waiting for me. I yanked her off me and walked out the door making her cry my name out. I got back inside the car making my self rest until I was home. 

Briel pov: 

Once the family left my house, I quickly searched around the room trying to find my mom jeans and my black tube crop top. I put my hair in a high bun then put my diamond hoop earrings on, I heard the door open up thinking it was Daryl. I was naked because I just got out the shower and Foot steps were coming up the stairs so I quickly ran inside the closet once my door opened up.


Michael: "...Who's Daryl?"

I slowly opened the closet door then peeked out and saw Michael looking confused, He had the black tube crop top in his hand wondering why this was on the bed.

Michael: "Are you going some where?"

Me: "Well yeah...I didn't know you would be back"

Michael: "All I did was drop Debbie, It seems like your getting dressed to go on a date!"

Me: "So I cant look sexy in pubic now that I have a husband and a child"

Michael: "I'm just saying you don't go out like this often"

Me: "Well now you see that I do"

I yanked the tube crop top out of his hand and put it on then I quickly put the mom jeans on. I heard a knock on the door, I looked at my self in the mirror for the last time then walked out the bedroom door. 

Michael pov: 

I looked out the window and saw a guy with black jhari curls and he was wearing a gray jacket, I kept staring at them until Briel looked up at me. That's when I knew something was up....

Michael You take my breath awayWhere stories live. Discover now