Ch 41: Drunk

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Michael pov:

I parked my car and ran inside the restaurant with my body guards seeming to find Briel. People stared at me once I walked in, I knew I was going to be surrounded by fans. They all ran toward me screaming like crazy, one of the them pushed me on the floor and didn't even help me up.



My body guards pushing them off me like they were zombies trying to eat my brain, I love my fans but i'm just not in the mood to see them right now when I have to get Briel back. One of my body guards asked one of the waiters if Briel was still here.

Waiter: "Sorry, she left with a gentleman"

Me: "Do you know where they went?!"

Waiter: "They went to the club near here"

Me: "Thank you!"

I ran back to the car having my driver drive me over there, I will kill the guy when I see him...

Briel pov:

I sat there waiting for Daryl to come back, it was taking to long that I was about to get a cab and go back home. A man sat next to me and put him arm around me looking like he was on drugs.

Man: "Hey girl let me get your number"

Me: "Gross, get away from me!"

I pushed him off me, I walked over to another seat trying to get my thoughts cleared. Daryl finally came back with the drinks, he got me a glass of vodka with a little umbrella inside it.

Me: "Why did you take so long?"

Daryl: "Sorry the line was really long......but drink up"

Me: "I might just take the drink home with me"

Daryl: "I wanted to ask you if you would like to go to my place after?"

Me: "Sure but I'm not staying long"

I took a sip of my vodka, it had a weird taste to it but it wasn't like It was bad. I kept on drinking while Daryl and I were laughing at jokes. I felt dizzy after 30 minutes, I couldn't keep my balance once I got up from my seat to use the bathroom. I was slowly pushing people out my way while there was flying colors I was beginning to see. Daryl was holding my hand leading me to the bathroom, but it looked like he was taking me outside. I sat back in the passenger having my head lean on the car window, he started to drive away from the club.

Me: ""

Daryl: "Just relax"

Me: ""

Daryl: "Shhh"

I started to close my eyes and begin to sleep....

Michael pov:

My body guards and I parked in the back of the club so we wont be spotted, we jumped out the car and ran toward the Club back doors. Once I open the door, I bumped into my ex wife, she was wearing a black mini dress with her hair in a bun and had red lip stick on.

Lisa: "Michael?!'

Me: "Lisa! have you seen Briel?!"

Lisa: "That's all your going to ask me?"

Me: "What do you mean?"

Lisa: "You're not going to ask me how's my life or how my children are doing!"

Me: "I have no time....sorry"

Lisa: "All I wanted to tell you that I loved you!"

Me: I always knew you did, but the things you did made me not love you the same way..."

I walked away from her then walked inside the club.

Briel pov:

I woke up on Daryl's bed, my clothes was off and my head began hurting like crazy. There was no sign of Daryl anywhere, why the hell was I that drunk when all I did was take a sip of vodka. I thought to my self and found out that Daryl played me, he used me by making me drunk and tried sleeping with me in the end. I hope he didn't rape me while I was sleeping, I fucking hate that piece of shit, I should of stayed home with Michael. Daryl walked in the room still wearing his clothes, he walk toward me with a smirk in his face.


Daryl: "So you can fall in love with me"


Daryl: "I'll try....."

He pinned my arms on the bed giving me a bruise on my wrist, I began kicking him off me but he just kept pinning me. I finally kicked him off me and ran toward the door, the door was locked and I didn't have a key to open it. He yanked my hair pulling me to the floor, he then pinned me to the floor and began kissing my neck. It was hard to get him off of me, all I can do was move my head so he can stop, I then saw the keys on the end table. I head bumped him, I then ran to get the key and opened the door. Daryl was following me down the steps, he now realizes that he messed up my perfect day.

Daryl: "Wait i'm sorry!?"


Daryl: "I don't know whats wrong with me!"

Me: "Daryl you played me this whole time, you might of got a fake Michael Jordan so he can play me too!!"

I left the house without letting him say his last words, I had no clothes and my purse was still in his house. All I wanted to do was cry in bed until I fall asleep....

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