ch 29: Hospital

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Briel pov:

Tears fell down my cheek once I heard Michael was in a terrible car accident, I ran toward the exit door without letting the police find out. I didn't have a car so I just kept running like there was no tomorrow. My feet were getting hurt by running in my Timberland boots and my hair for the wedding got ruined by the wind. I then got to the emergency room without problems but paparazzi was in front of the entrance flickering their cameras so they can get a pic of Michael. I used the backdoor so I can sneak inside, I ran to the lady reading a magazine behind the desk.

Me: "can you please tell me where Michael Jackson is?!"

Woman: "sorry no can do, his room is privet only"

Me: "I'm his wife"

She stopped reading and looked up at me, her eyes got wide.

Woman: "you're Briel oh my gosh! ill tell you the room.....its room 205!'

Me: "thank you"

I ran to the steps so it can be quicker for me to get there. I ran toward his door and opened it slowly so I can take a deep breath before he starts yelling at me. His family was surrounded by him except for Joseph and Janet for some reason. They all stared at me once I stepped in the room, Latoya had a disgusted look on her face.

Michael: "Briel!"

Latoya: "Why is she here, I thought she been taken away by the cops"

Me: "I was here to see Michael..."

Kathrine: "Be quiet Latoya!"

Latoya: "I wont because my brother almost died because of you!"

I was speechless, I knew I did enough since my reputation has just been turned bad. She walked closer to me while she was yelling at me and using hand jesters. Kathrine was screening at Latoya so things wouldn't get worse and Michael couldn't really help because he had to lay on the bed.

Michael: "stop talking to Briel like that!'

Latoya: "you're just here so you can use him for his money, am I right?"

Me: "that's not true!"


She got even closer until we were face to face, her breath was touching my skin and her eyes were staring me up and down. The words that she said that got me even madder...

Latoya: "we all know you were a hooker before you met him!"


I grabbed her by the hair and swing her toward the wall, she got up and started punching me with force. We both were grabbing hair and bitch punching. Jermaine,Tito,Marlin,Jackie,and Randy pulled us away from each other.


I pushed hair out of my face and wiped my cheek, Latoya began to grab her purse and coat. Michael began screaming so we all stopped what we were doing.

Michael: "I know you guys are mad about what Briel did and I can understand but I love her and if you don't think our love is true then you can leave, we are family and family has to work together when things get tough so I want you to support Briel while she goes to court and even if she ends up in jail!"

We all nodded except for Latoya, she walked out the hospital room.

Kathrine: "oh just forget about her Briel, you're apart of the Jackson family now!"

Michael You take my breath awayWhere stories live. Discover now