Chapter 3

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*2 Months Later*
Emily's POV

   It was now the beginning of October. Matt and I started dating Mid-August. Everything has been going good, except one thing... Andy. Him and I haven't really been talking that much since me and Matt started dating. Matt doesn't like that fact that I constantly texted Andy, same thing with Juliet. Whenever we do talk three words are said to each other, then the conversation is over. I miss talking to him, but I guess it had to come to an end. He's in a famous band, and I'm just a 22 year old girl. I guess I was wrong, Andy couldn't save me. It was Matt.

   Recently I got a job at a coffee shop down the street from my house. I have a shift in two hours, then after that Matt and I are having a movie night. Lately Matt has been very busy, so we haven't gone out and do stuff that couples do.

   When I was in the middle of my shift, Matt walked in with a girl. Quickly, I ducked behind the counter.

Why is he with her?
Why is she with him?
Is he cheating on me?

   Those three questions ran through my mind, but the last one struck me hard. He can't be cheating on me, he promised he would never do that. He's not the cheating type is he? I shook it off and stood back up, only to find Matt and the girl gone.

   Matt never came over last night. I tried calling and texting him, but he never answered.

Maybe he is cheating on you.

"No." I say and try to ignore the thought.

   Maybe he is though. But why would he cheat? Why would he cheat with her? Most of all why is she cheating as well? Both of them are breaking hearts, if they're both cheating.

You're too broken to be in a relationship. Useless.

   I put my shoes on and walked out of the house. Needing to get my mind of that topic, I decided on going for a walk. It was slightly chilly, but at the same time it was warm. I started to walk towards the park, not knowing that I would regret it.

Third Person's POV
(Okay this is my first time doing this, so please don't say anything bad about it.)

   Emily walked towards the park, to clear her mind. As she got closer, she saw a couple on the bench in a deep make out session. She mumbles to herself "Get a room.." And tries to ignore the sloppy kissing noises. As she got even closer she could recognize who it was. It was her boyfriend Matt, and... Juliet Simms.

"Matt.." Emily says and stops walking.

   Matt and Juliet stop kissing and look at Emily. Both of their eyes widened once they see her. Emily eyes started to tear up, she quickly turned around and started to run off. Matt chased after her, leaving Juliet alone at the park.

"Emily wait!" Matt called out, still chasing her.

"Leave me alone!" She yells and runs.

   Matt then tackles her to the ground, to get her to stop running.

"Just hear me out dammit!" Matt says and stands up.

"Where you going behind my back with that." She says then stops, trying to find a word to say. "With that whore?!" She continues, filled with anger.

"Yes." Matt sighs and looks down.

"How long?" Emily asks and crosses her arms.

"What?" Matt asks and looks up.

"How long has this been going on Matthew?" She says and glares at him.

"The past two weeks.." Matt confesses. Emily then slaps him.

"Fuck you! You promised not to cheat! But you did! You went and cheated on me, with someone who's in a relationship! She's dating Andy, the one you didn't like me texting constantly! You are not loyal or faithful in a relationship! I thought you would be, but I was wrong! I feel so fucking stupid for believing you! But you know what?! I will never be the faithless one! Just go back to Juliet and leave me alone!" She yells, while starting to cry even harder.

"Fine then, you were useless anyways." Matt says and walks off.

   Emily walks into her house sobbing. Without knowing, she leaves the door open. She started to grab things and throwing them on the ground. She grabs a picture of her and her parents, from when she was a baby and smashes it on the ground. She sits on the ground holding the frame, then gently picks up a piece of glass.

What did I say? Useless. He said you're useless. Did you actually think you could last in a relationship? You have no friends! Even Andy doesn't want to talk to you! Just cut yourself and do everyone a favor please, you worthless piece of trash!

"Useless.." She mumbles, giving into her thoughts she glides the glass against her arm. Blood trickled down her arm, she made a few more cuts. Then was interrupted by someone walking into the room.

Emily's POV

   How could he cheat on me? Why would Juliet cheat on Andy? Why is every good thing happening to me, ending badly? Just why me?! I stopped cutting, but here I am sobbing, while cutting.

   I heard footsteps coming towards the room I was in, but it was too late. I couldn't clean up the mess, or clean up my arms. It was all too late.

Not worthy.

   Maybe if I go deeper, I could be with my parents again. We could be a happy family again. I heard someone come into the room, but I ignored it. Slowly I put the glass to my arm to make one deep, final cut.

"Emily?" A deep voice says, causing me to look up.

"A-Andy, what a-are you d-doing here?" I ask, but he's not looking at me. He's looking at my arms.

   I started to cry again, and Andy walked over to me. He pulled me into a hug, letting me sob into his chest. We stayed like that for a few minutes, then Andy picked me up, and started to look for the bathroom. Once he found it, he set my down on the counter, then started to clean my cuts. I was lightly crying while he cleaned them. Due to the pain from the cuts, it hurt like hell. Once he was done, he stood in front of me. I looked up at him, and into his blue eyes. They looked sad, which made me sad. I looked down so he wouldn't see me cry again.

He's pitting you. He's only sorry for what you did to yourself. Once you fall asleep, he's gonna leave you.

   He noticed me look down and start to cry. He pulled me into a hug, and didn't say anything. The whole time, he rubbed my back and held me close. Slowly he picked me up gently, and sat us on the floor of the bathroom. I slowly started to fall asleep, I guess I need it. He held me in his arms, and I felt safe. I was wrong, Matt didn't save me. It was Andy who saved me. I was broken and alone, Andy came in and brought me back to reality. Matt then came, made me think he loved me. Then just left me, causing me to break again. If Andy hadn't showed up, I would probably be with my parents right now. Matt left me broken, and with lies. But with Andy, I can tell he's not leaving me. Those thoughts in my head are wrong, he won't leave.

   Then I finally fell sleep, in the arms of Andy Biersack.

*End of Chapter 3*

Hey guys! Thank you so much for 37 reads! You guys are really amazing! This chapter was longer, than I expected it to be. But I'm happy with how it turned out. I'm gonna give you guys a hint on what's to come in the next few chapters. Emily's Birthday, the other Black Veil Brides members will finally make an appearance, Black Veil Brides will go on tour, and more secrets about Emily's past will be revealed. Even secrets that she didn't know about. When I write the tour part, it will kind of be hard because I don't really know how to write it. I might make a few mistakes about the tour, but please just go along with it.

Also I have nothing against Juliet Simms! I love Juliet, so she's not gonna be a crazy ex like how most fanfics make her out to be. But Matt on the other hand, I'm gonna make him a jealous ex lol.

Next chapter Emily's gonna finally open up and talk about her parents! No I didn't make her tell Matt about them, I will explain why next chapter. A lot of things will be explained next chapter. But thank you guys again for reading! Love you guys! <3

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