Chapter 6

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Emily's POV

   Today is my birthday, I plan on spending the day with Sammi, Ella, and Liz. Liz and CC started getting close before he left for tour. I also want to visit my parents grave, but I'm not sure when.

   I was in the middle of looking at old photos, when I found a box. I've never seen it before, so of course I'm gonna look through it. I open it and find a bunch of baby stuff in it. Ultrasound pictures, hospital pictures, some baby toys, baby clothes, etc. I grab the pictures and start to look at them. But something was different. Instead of one baby, there were two babies.

"Two babies.." I whisper and continue to look through them.

   The hospital pictures showed my mom and dad, visiting two babies. Each picture showed them crying. One picture showed my mom kissing a babies head, with a tear rolling down her cheek. I flipped it over to the back and read what it said.

RIP Cassidy.

"Cassidy?" I ask myself and then grab all the pictures.

   Turning them all to their backsides. Half of the pictures had my name on the back, others had Cassidy. One picture had my Aunt and Cassidy.

"Aunt Meredith.." I say, then walk out of the room, still holding the picture.

   Aunt Meredith is my mom's sister. After I was born, my mom and her stopped talking to each other. Since I was born right here in California, she lives about an hour away. California is that state were my mom grew up. I grabbed my car keys and walk out the house.

"There might be a change of plans." I text the girls, then drive off.

   An hour of driving, I finally arrive at my Aunt's house. I slowly knock on the door and then look at the picture. My Aunt opens the door and looks at me shocked.

"Emily? I'm surprised to see you here. Come in, come in." she says and gives me room to come inside.

   We go straight to the living room and she offers me something to drink. I politely decline and she asks about how I've been. We talk about what we've been up to, and what I was like growing up. While talking I look at the picture again, then back at my Aunt.

"Aunt Meredith?" I ask.

"Yes?" she asks and sets her cup down.

"Who's Cassidy?" I say and her faces turns pale.

"H-how do you know about Cassidy?" she questions me.

   I hand her the picture and she sighs.

"Emily, I would've hoped you wouldn't have to find out like this. But seeing that this would be the only way, you deserve to know the truth. Cassidy was your twin sister.." she says and looks at the picture.

"My what?" I whisper.

"Cassidy was your twin sister, she died two weeks after you two were born. You girls were born at twenty-five weeks. She died of Neonatal death. We all thought she had more of a chance of surviving, than you did. Emily it's because your lungs weren't working correctly, as well as your heart. Cassidy on the other hand was perfectly stable. Then Cassidy started to get worse than you. She got Intraventricular Hemortage, meaning she was bleeding from her brain. You started to get better, but Cassidy didn't. Then on November 10th, 1992 she died... Your parents decided that they weren't gonna tell you about her, once you got to the age. Your mom and I argued about it, and she wanted nothing to do with me after it." she exclaims and wipes a tear.

   I had a twin sister who died, before she even got to live her life. It all sunk in.

"W-where is she buried at? Well did you have a funeral for her?" I ask and wipe a few tears.

"At the cemetery fifth-teen minutes from here." she tells me and I nod.

   I grab my keys and stand up. She pulls me into a hug out of the blue.

"Promise me you will come back to visit again Please, I've been out of your whole life, I want to be in it now." she says and I hug back.

"I promise Aunt Meredith." I say and rub her back.

   We say our goodbyes, then I drive to the cemetery. Once I arrived, I began searching for my sister's grave. While searching I took out my phone and saw that I had a bunch of missed calls and messages. All are from Sammi, Ella, and Liz, and one was from Andy. I opened his message and read it.

Hey Beautiful, Happy Birthday! I hope you're having fun with the girls and enjoying yourself. Call me whenever you can. Love You. - Andy

   I smile to myself and make a mental note, to call him later. Then I message the girls in a group chat.

I'll explain later, when I get back.

   I send the message and continue searching. It took about twenty minutes, but I finally found it. I walked up to it and read what the tombstone said.

Cassidy Rogers
October 30th 1992 - November 10th 1992
Loving Daughter
Rest In Peace Angel

   I took a deep breath and finally spoke.

"Happy Birthday Cassidy."

*End of Chapter 7*

Sorry that I haven't updated in like two weeks! I've been busy with school, but I'm back! Another secret has been revealed, and it's the start to the many secrets, that have been kept from Emily. Next Chapter is Thanksgiving and someone will be making an appearance. And no it's not Andy, or Matt(If that's who you guys think it will be). Matt will be coming back in a couple chapters, and it's gonna be the start of drama. Juliet will be coming back as well, and she is not gonna be a bitch. Also if you haven't noticed (most likely you have) Sammi and Jinxx are in a relationship. I loved them as a couple, so I'm gonna keep them as a couple here. Same with Jake and Ella.
Chapter eight should be up in a few days, while I am currently writing Chapter nine. A hint for chapter nine is that the whole chapter takes place in a dream. Love You Guys!<3

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