Chapter 22

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Andy's POV

I stumble towards the lounge area, drunk off my ass. Once I'm seated, I take another drink of my beer. Jinxx walks in and snatches it from my hand.

"Hey!" I hiccup. "Give that back!"

"Andy you're drunk, if you continue to drink you're gonna be throwing up all night long!" He yells.

"It's better than thinking about my dead girlfriend." I slur, fuck.

"Dammit Emily." Jinxx mumbles to hisself and leaves the room.

My phone starts to ring and I look at the caller ID. Unknown.

"Well hello there unknown!" I answer, chuckling to myself.

"Andy stop drinking." A female says, feisty.

"You see, my friend took my beer. So I'm not drinking anything at the moment." I tell the girl, hearing her sigh.

"Don't drink anything else for the rest of the night." She says, she's really bossy.

"You're really bossy." I say.

"And you're really drunk." She says, touché.

"So unknown, why did you call me?" I ask.

"I uh I was told that you were drunk, so I called you. Nothing major about it." She hesitates at first.

"I'm gonna let you in on a secret. Can't tell anyone." I whisper, making sure no one's in the room.

"What's the secret?" She asks.

"I saw her." I whisper.

"Saw who?" She questions.

"Emily. She was everywhere, but yet nowhere. She was messing with my head through the whole show. That's why I'm drunk, so I could stop thinking about her. But I'm talking about her to you now Unknown." I slur, trying to get off the couch.

   The other end goes silent. I get off the couch and stumble to the bunks.

"She wouldn't want you doing this to yourself Andy." Unknown finally says.

"Oh you're still here, I thought you died on me." I chuckle.

"Andy listen to me." She demands, bossy yet again.

"Well you're the only one talking to me, so I see that I have no choice. But to listen." I mumble, laying down in a random bunk.

"After tonight, do not drink. Unless it's for a celebration, if so then have a little bit of alcohol. I don't want to hear that you're drunk ever again Andy. After last time An-" She says.

"What about last time?" I ask, cutting her off.

"Nothing, just don't drink anything else for the rest of the night, except water." She says, then hangs up.

   I stare at my phone for a few minutes, not knowing what to do. Then I click on the number and text it.

From: Andy
To: Unknown
Oka I wknt drink.

   I send it, then lay down. Only to get up again, realizing that I'm in the wrong bunk. I climb into my own bunk and lay down, starting to fall asleep.

To: Andy
From: Unknown
Good. Goodnight Andy.

*End of Chapter 23*

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