Chapter 17

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(Song to listen to: Love Isn't Always Fair - Black Veil Brides or Kicking & Screaming- All Time Low)

Emily's POV

"Emily, come back. I miss you. I need you." Matt slurred into the phone.

"You're drunk." I scoff.

"You're right, I'm drunk. Drunk off of missing you, if that even makes sense." He chuckles.

"If you missed me, you wouldn't have done the shit you did to me." I snap at him, then hang up.

   Andy walks out of the restaurant, walking over towards me.

"Hey are you okay?" He asks me.

   I nod and give him a smile. We're about to walk back into the restaurant, when my phone goes off. I groan and answer it.

"What?!" I answer, Andy giving me a confused look.

"Jesus, you don't have to be a little bitch." Matt says.

"Well I'm trying to enjoy my day Matthew, but you're starting to ruin it. Now please do me a favor and fuck off!" I yell, Andy starting to tense up.

"Now I know why I cheated on you. You're a bipolar bitch, that's for sure. But damn, I thought you changed. Guess not." Matt says and I start to tear up.

"F-fuck you Matthew." I stutter at first.

"Are you starting to cry? A-are y-you?" He laughs. "Why did I even say I miss you, I don't at all. You're so sensitive. Quite frankly, I find it annoying. Glad I don't have to deal with that anymore, but poor Andy does. Does he even love you? Wouldn't be surprised if he's just faking it. Juliet told me he's a hopeless romantic, meaning he's in love with love. Sooner or later he's gonna leave you, and find interest in love with someone else. You know what, I think you're a ho-" He says, but before he finishes I throw my phone on the ground.

   Before Andy says anything, I run off. I run as fast as I can, not knowing where I'm going.

*End of Chapter 18*

Whoops, another short chapter and it's late. I actually had this chapter ready, I just forgot to post it. Next Chapter is in Emily's POV, then the next is in Andy's POV of what happened in chapter nineteen and afterwards. Love ya!<3

Lost It All (Andy Biersack)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang