Chapter 12

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December 31st, 2014

Emily's POV

"Emily hurry up!" Andy yells from downstairs.

I look around my packed room one last time, then back at my outfit.

"Alright!" I yell, then walk out of my room.

"Finally, we're gonna be late." He says as I walk downstairs.

"Well who's idea was it to pack?" I ask him and he rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah." He says, walking towards the door.

I giggle and follow him. He opens my door and I thank him. Get in, then drive towards the beach. When we get there, everyone is already there. Perfect. I get out of the car and take my sandals off. Andy and I walk hand and hand over to the gang.

"Oh would you look at that. Bella and black haired Edward arrives!" Ella jokes, making everyone laugh.

"Whatever, let's just get this bonfire started." Andy mumbles.

"Someone's grouchy." Jake snickers.

In return, Andy flips him off. We sit on an empty log and begin the bonfire. Everyone starts making s'mores, telling stories that happened this year.

"Hey CC!" I yell, gaining everyone's attention.

"What bitch?!" He yells back.

"I'm gonna see you ass naked soon!" I yell and he gives me a confused look.

"The only time people see me ass naked, is when I'm on tour." He says and I grin.

"Wait. You're going on tour with us?!" He asks and I nod.

"Hallelujah!" He yells and starts dancing, everyone cheers.

"Guys ten seconds till midnight!" Sammi yells.

"Ten!" Jinxx yells.

"Nine!" CC yells.

"Eight!" Ashley yells.

"Seven!" Jake yells.

"Six!" Andy yells, haha.

"Five!" Sammi yells.

"Four!" Liz yells.

"Three!" Some random person yells and we all laugh.

"Two!" Ella yells.

"One!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

"Happy New Years!" We all yell.

Andy pulled me close, crashing hip lips onto mine. I smiled into the kiss, gladly kissing him back. Jake gets out his guitar and starts to play it. CC then pats a beat on his thighs. Oh these boys.

"All the graves of the ones remembered. In a desert we call home." Andy sings, wrapping his arms around me.

He sings the rest of the beginning, then whispers in my ear.

"In five, four, three, two, one! Sing." He whispers, then pulls away from my ear.

"This is New Year's Day, so rise from the ashes. Faith will find a way, like lightning crashes. We'll keep marching on and on and on. It's New Year's Day! So rise from the ashes." I sing.

Everyone joins in and sings the rest of the song. While singing, I think about everything that has happened this past year. I graduated from college, my parents died, I met Andy, then met the rest of Black Veil Brides and their girlfriends/wife's. I also got into a relationship, then gotten out of that relationship, found out I had a twin sister, and got into a relationship with Andy Biersack. The guy that every fan of Black Veil Brides dreams of dating. It's all starting to sink in. I'm dating the lead singer and best friends with the whole band. Holy shit.

"Goodnight people!" Liz yells, then lays back, falling asleep.

Everyone eventually falls asleep and I'm left awake. I look at the sleeping people around me and I smile. Then I snuggle into Andy's chest and fall asleep.

Morning hits and I wake up, seeing everyone else still asleep.

"Good morning beautiful." A deep voice says and I turn to face them.

"Good morning. Happy New Years babe." I say and smile.

"Happy New Years." He replies, kissing me.

Life is good.

*End of Chapter 13*
Here is chapter 13! Sorry that's it's short, but the next few are gonna be short. I believe chapter 17 will be the next long chapter. Also next chapter is Emily moving into Andy's house, and it should be up either in the next few hours, tomorrow, or Monday. Love you guys! <3

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