Chapter 47

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Emily's POV

"I'm sorry!" Andy blurted out, everyone turning to look at him. "Emily I'm sorry.."

"Evacuate the room!" CC yelled, causing everyone to leave the table.

Sammi picked up Alex, then left the room, leaving Andy and I alone.

"What?" I ask, setting my fork down.

"I'm sorry for what I've done."

"Now you apologize?!"

   I stand up, grabbing my plate and going into the kitchen. Andy follows, mumbling to himself.

"Okay I know I should've apologized a long time ago, I just didn't know what to say Em!"

"You cheated on me! You said you would call me, but you never did!" I yell, setting my plate on the counter.

"I know and I'm sorry! Just please let me explain." He said, trying to grab my hands.

   I yanked my hand back, taking a few steps back.

"Do you now how much it hurt me?! To see pictures of you, looking perfectly okay! To have everyone ask me what happened between us! Do you know how much that fucking hurt me?!" I asked.


"You weren't even there for the birth of your child! I wanted you there Andy! As much as I was pissed at you for what you did, I still wanted you there!"

"Just let me explain!"

"You should've explained yourself over two years ago Andy!"

"I know I shouldn't have cheated! I didn't mean to cheat on you! I went out with the guys, got drunk off my ass and don't remember what happened after that! I even found out the next day that someone slipped something into my drink! All I remember is waking up in a bed, naked next to some girl!" He explained, turning and setting his hands on the counter.

   I turned around and ran out of the house. I ran out into the rain, hearing Andy call my name.

"Emily wait!"

"I found out I was pregnant! I was so happy to tell you! But you told me you cheated. The day I found out good news, I also found out bad news. I told you to leave and you promised to call. I waited for you to call me Andy. I waited for so long, but you never did. One year passed and you never called. One year and five months passed, and you still didn't call.

"Emily I-"

"I should've hated you! I should've hated you for what you did and moved on. But I didn't. I never hated you and I never moved on. After Alex was born, I was reminded of you everyday." I explained, tears slipping down my face with the rain.

"Emily to this day I still regret cheating on you. I tried to get you off my mind, by going out and getting drunk. But when I was sober, all I thought about was you. Seeing pictures of Alex, I knew I had fucked up big time. I should have called, I should have been there. When Ella told me you moved to New York, it hurt me so much. I thought I had lost you for good."

"No. You can't just say that, you can't! You never tried Andy! You never made an attempt to call me, to answer my calls, or to come and see me! I didn't leave until two months after you told me you cheated!" I sobbed. "You could've came to our house, but you never did. And you want to know what sucks?!"

"What?" He asks, stepping closer and I stepped back.

"Is that after two years, I still love you! I still love you even though you cheated. And I shouldn't Andy."

He looked at me, before walking towards me and crashing his lips onto mine. Immediately I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck. I pulled back and slapped him.

"No! You can't do that, expecting everything to be okay!" I yelled and he smirked.

I glared at him, wanting him to stop smirking. But he wouldn't. I groaned, grabbing him by his shirt and kissing him once again. I heard a camera go off, but ignored it. As much as I was pissed at him for waiting this long to apologize, all I wanted to do was kiss him. I wanted him and I have wanted him for two years.

"I love you." He breathed.

"Shut up and kiss me." I said, pulling him close again.

All he did was smirk and kiss me again.

I love you too Andy, but I'm not sure if you actually mean it.


"You've got to be kidding me!" I groaned, tossing my phone onto the couch.

Last night when Andy and I were kissing in the rain, paparazzi took a picture of us. Now everyone thinks we're back together.

"Why were you kissing in the rain? Why were you even kissing him?!" Sammi asked, still confused on what happened.

"I don't know! I guess I was just caught up in the moment."

"No you weren't. You wanted to kiss him, you want him. You love him still. You guys have been through so much shit, but you still love each other. We all can see it. Just be with each other again!" Sammi explained, handing me my phone.

I hesitated at first, then took it from her. I went to my contacts, clicking on Andy's. It ringed for what felt like hours before he answered.


"I'm giving you a chance Andy. Don't make me regret it."

*End Of Chapter 50*

Took them forever!

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