Chapter 24

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Andy's POV

   Tours over and now we're heading back home. Currently, we're on the plane, flying back to California. I was sitting next to Jinxx and CC, while Jake and Ashley sat next to an old man.

"Andy.." CC whispered, trying not to wake Jinxx up."

"What?" I whispered back.

"Check. His. Phone."

   I looked at him, before grabbing Jinxx's phone. He doesn't have a password, so it was easy to get on it.

"Check the recent calls and see who he told to call you that night." CC said, looking at the phone with me.

   I tapped on the phone app, going straight to the recent calls. Scrolled down to the day I got drunk, looking at all the calls. Sammi, Sammi, Ashley, Sammi, Emily, Sam- wait Emily?

"Holy shit.."

I exited the app, going to the text messages. First two conversations were with Sammi and Emily. I tapped on the conversation with Emily, scrolling up. CC and I read through the messaged, then put Jinxx's phone back.

"She's alive."

"And Sammi and Jinxx knew this whole time."

*End Of Chapter 25*

Lost It All (Andy Biersack)Where stories live. Discover now