Chapter 7

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Andy's POV


   Here's a con about tour life. Being on tour during the holidays. We may not have a show on those days, but being away from family sucks ass. Spending it with my tour family is great though. This year I would've spent it with my parents and Emily. Emily. I grabbed my phone and called my dad. Knowing my parents, they're still in LA taking care of Crow.

"Hello?" My dad says as he answers.

"Hey dad, I was wondering if you and mom could do something for me." I say.

"What is it son?" he asks and I hear my mom come into the room.

"The girl I told you about, Emily. Well since its Thanksgiving, I was wondering. If you guys could you know spend Thanksgiving with her. She lives about twenty minutes from the house. I would spend it with her, but I'm on tour. I don't want her to be alone and-" I ramble, then my mom cuts me off.

"We would love to Andy. Just give us her address and we will be on our way." she says and I smile in satisfaction.

"Thank you mom!" I say and my dad laughs.

"Oh you're welcome, we can't wait to meet the girl!" my mom exclaims.

I give them the address and say my goodbyes.

"Hey Andy?" Jinxx says and walks into the lounge area of the bus.

"Yeah?" I ask and sit up.

"Since next week we have two days off, I think you should go back to LA. Sammi told me there's a winter ball the day we're off." he explains.

"Winter ball?" I question.

"Yeah, I'm going back and taking Sammi to it. Go back and surprise Emily." he says.

Jinxx sets the invite on the table, and I pick it up. Maybe I should go and surprise Emily. We could have our first official dance. Plus seeing her would make me the happiest man in the world. Looking at the invitation, noticing it says it's a masquerade. Perfect.

"When do we leave?" I ask and Jinxx smiles.

Emily's POV

Yesterday was my mom's birthday. I spent the day at her grave, then some time at my dad's. I could've sworn she was there the whole time. Like not in the ground, but there in person.


"So there's the guy. His name is Andy, he's in a band. Remember the band Black Veil Brides that I constantly talked about? Well he's the lead singer. He's been taking care of me. There was a time when he didn't, but it was because someone wouldn't let him. He's on tour right now, but he's coming back in a month. I'm kind of scared to actually be in a relationship with him. I'm not scared of him, just scared of a heartbreak. I don't wanna get my heart broken again." I say and look down at my lap.

I felt something touch my hand and I look at my hand, then up to the person who's touching my hand.

"He's different sweetie." The women says and smiles.

Mom. She's write here smiling at me. I let out a whimper, then close me eyes, then reopen them. She's gone.

*Flashback Ends*

Someone knocks on the door and I get up to open it. At my door is Amy and Chris Biersack, and a cat known as Crow. Oh my god.

"Mr and Mrs. Biersack, I wasn't expecting this. Oh come in!" I exclaim, then move out of the way so they can come inside.

"Oh Chris, she's more beautiful in person!" Amy compliments and I blush.

"Thank you Mrs.Biers-" I start to say.

"Call me Amy, and as for him, call him Chris." she say and hugs me.

"Thank you Amy" I say and hug back.

Turns out Andy told them to spend Thanksgiving with me. I made a mental note to thank him later. Amy cooked dinner and Chris told me stories of Andy as a child. While Crow roamed around the house.

"So Emily dear, are you and Andy?" she asks, while setting food on the table.

"No, not yet." I say, then mentally slap myself.

Why did I say yet?

"Yet?" Chris questions, then takes a sip of his water.

"Before he left for tour, we told each other our feelings for each other. We promised each other, that when he comes back, we'll be together." I inform them.

"Ah, well I actually thought Juliet was the one. He didn't tell us about her, until after they started dating. But you on the other hand, he talked about you a lot. He still does." she says and hands me my plate.

He talked about you a lot. He still does.

I smiled to myself and started to eat. I told them about myself, only little things. They told me the things Andy said about me. I also told them why I wasn't spending today with my Family.

"We're your family Emily. All of Black Veil Brides is your family. Andy is your family." she assures me and Chris agrees.

Someone rings the doorbell, then walks in.

"Emily I have exciting news!" Sammi yells as she walks into the room.

"Hello Sammi Doll." Amy says and waves.

"Amy and Chris! Oh I love what I see!" she says and hugs Andy's parents.

I pick up the envelope Sammi dropped and look at it.

"Winter Ball?" I question Sammi.

"Yup, and we're going." she says.

"But I don't, we don't have dates." I sigh.

"We'll be each other's dates. Please, it will be one of the best nights of your life! I know for sure!" she cheers.

It wouldn't hurt to go. Would it? I would rather go with Andy, but going with one of my best friends. Sounds like she's planning something. Oh I'm over thinking, she probably wants to get me out the house.

"Okay I'll go." I give in and Sammi jumps up and down, excited.

*End of Chapter 8*

Hey guys! This was kind of a filler chapter, I just really wanted to put Andy's parents in here. Chapter nine should be up within the next hour, depending on how long it takes for me to actually type, and edit. Also, we have hit 104 reads!! Thank you so much!

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