Chapter 37

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Andy's POV

I sat at the table, watching the guys get drunk off their heads. I would rather be with Emily right now, but she insisted that I go spend time with them.

"Here you go." Some girl said, setting a drink down.

"I didn't order anything." I say, pushing it back towards her.

"Your friends did, they said you needed it."

I looked at her, then looked at the guys, before taking the drink.

Once I finished the glass I began to feel dizzy, not sure of what was happening. And after that I don't remember what happened..


I woke up, rubbing my head.

"What the hell?" I groaned, looking around me.

I was in some room, not even sure where. I looked down, seeing that I was shirtless.

"S-shit." I stuttered, looking under the covers.

And of course I was completely naked. I looked to my right and saw a girl sleeping. The girl that gave me the drink. She woke up, smiling at me.

"Hey baby, last night was fun." She smirked, rubbing my arm.

I yanked my arm back, quickly putting my clothes on.

"What happened last night?" I asked, furious.

"I gave you a drink, and we had some fun." She said, winking.

"I don't even remember anything!"

"Because it was slipped."

"What?!" I yelled.

"You looked lonely, so I gave you something to make you have some fun." She shrugged, getting up.

"I have a girlfriend, who trusted me last night! A girl who I love so fucking much!" I yelled, walking towards the door.

"I'm sure she'll be fine! Just don't tell her!"

"I can't lie to her, it would kill me lying to her. It's gonna kill me even more telling her." I said, slamming the door shut."

*End of Chapter 40*

Well shit. Shit just got real.

Lost It All (Andy Biersack)Where stories live. Discover now