Chapter 8

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Emily's POV

November 29th, 2014

  I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a meadow. The sun was shining bright, and it was quite warm. Strange since it's the end of November. But hey, that's California for you. Over to my right someone was running around, enjoying the beautiful day.

"Hello!" I yell out and the person looks at me.

   They turn around and run into the woods.

"Wait!" I yell and run after them.

   I started to catch up to the person. They had long brown hair, and was wearing a white dress I believe. The dress came above their knees. We kept running, until we ran into a house. That's when I lost the person.

"This place looks familiar.." I say and look around the room.

   The walls, floor boards, stairs... It all looks so familiar. Wait.

"No. No." I say and run over to the door

   I grabbed the handle and tried to open the door.

"No!" I yell and keep trying.

   The door wouldn't open, meaning I was stuck in here. I sink down to the floor and sigh. The floor boards started to creak, meaning that someone was walking. I wasn't alone. The person was humming a song, that I couldn't make out.

"You can count on me like one, two, three! I'll be there.." they sung, as they walk into the room.

"Oh my god.." I whisper, once I saw who it was.

   They looked just like me. The only difference was that their hair was darker, and the waves were more defined. Their chin was a bit more pointed. It this..

"Hello Emily." they say and sit in front of me.

"Are you?" I ask and she nods.

"Yes, it's me. Cassidy." she admits.

"It's really you. I thought you were dead.." I say and look at her.

"Oh I am!" she chuckles.

"Wait what?! Does that mean I'm dead?!" I ask, starting to panic.

"No, no! You're only dreaming." she tells me and I calm down.

"Where's mom and dad?" I ask and she laughs.

"Mom is visiting Aunt Meredith and Dad. Well dad is fishing." she says, then laughs again.

   I laughed with her, enjoying the moment. I told her about my life up to this point, leaving out Andy. I wanted that to be a surprise. It felt good talking to her.

"So is there a guy in your life?" she asks, while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Well actually there is. We aren't a thing though. Yet." I tell her and she smiles.

"You guys have such a cute future!" she exclaims and claps her hand together.

"Wait, how do you know?" I ask.

"I've been looking after you, mom, and dad for a long time. Now mom, dad, and I are looking after you and Aunt Meredith. I've been looking after her as well. I knew when certain things were gonna happen. Like when mom and dad were gonna die. I didn't want it to happen, but I prepared myself for it. There's some bumps in the road in your relationship with Andy. But trust me when I say this. You two are perfect for each other, everything will end up perfect." she informs me.

   I smile at her and she smiles back.

"What are we doing here? In the house that I used to live in? Why are we in Washington?" I ask her.

"It's your brains way of telling you to come back. To get past this misery, you need to put a stop to what's causing it." she says.

"This place has a lot of memories. I don't think I can go back." I whisper.

"Yes you can. End it all with a good memory." she tells me, then stands up. "Come on." she says and holds out her hand.

"Where are we going?" I ask and take her hand, standing up.

   She leads us out of the house. This time we aren't in the woods. We're in a city. Oh home sweet home LA. No longer in Washington. She starts walking, then stops when we're by a fountain.

"What are we doing here?" I ask.
"Just wait." she tells me.

   After five minutes, she points to something and I look. I see Andy and I walking hand in hand. I smile at the scene and continue watching. Once Andy and Future me reach the fountain, Andy starts to speak.

"Remember this place?" Andy ask.

"Yeah.." Future me says and smiles.

"It was the first time we saw each other again." he says.


"Emily not having you in my life, was a tragic time. I never wanna loose you again. I love you so much, and would die for you. We've been through so much. It made me realize that I wanna be with you forever, when I got you back. So Emily.." he says, then gets down on one knee.

"Oh my god.." Future me gasps, then covers her mouth.

"Emily Marie Rogers, what do you say to forever. Marry me?" he asks, and opens the box, revealing a ring.

"Yes.." future me whispers, then gains her voice back. "Yes!"

   Andy smiles widely and stands up to kiss her. The moment was beautiful, and I couldn't help but shed a few tears. I noticed that my hair was different, it was shorter than how my hair is now.

"See. Perfect." Cassidy smiles, then walks off.

   I follow her, and we walk to a house. My house. She turns to face me and gives me a small smile.

"Well this is it." she sighs.

"No the dream can't end." I say and start to tear up.

"Hey no crying! I'll be back, I promise." she says and wipes a tear that slipped from my eyes. "God, I can't believe it took twenty-three years for this to finally happen." she says and laughs lightly.

"Yeah" I laugh with her.

"I'll be back before you know it." she says, then gives me a hug.

"I love you Cassidy." I say and hug her back.

"I love you too Emily." she says and pulls away.

   She wipes a tear from my eyes, then her eyes. Then she walks off. I watched as she disappeared, into the night. I walked into the house, and go back to bed.

   I woke up and looked around the room. I was in my bed, in my room.

"It was just a dream." I sigh.

*End of Chapter 9*

So from now on, whenever I finish writing a chapter, I will update right after. Next chapter is the Winter Ball, and Matt will come back. Expect the drama to begin. Love you guys! <3

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