District 9 Interviews

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Universal POV

"Welcome, Panem, to the interviews!" Jakub Jollyman called out happily. His hair had now been dyed a bubblegum pink, and his outfit was matching. He'd obviously gotten more surgery since his last TV appearance, his lips appeared fuller and the wrinkles that had begun to develop had mysteriously disappeared.
"Our first District out here is District 9! Show them your love, people!"

The crowd roared in excitement as the six tributes waltzed onstage. Valentina wore a short, mint green dress that fell halfway down her thighs, and her blonde hair had been straightened and fell down her back. Amaya had her hair pulled up into a high bun, accentuating her refined cheekbones. She wore a soft yellow dress which fell to her knees, and had a small headband on of the same colour. Tatiana wore a white skater dress with ¾ length sleeves, black floral patterns were strewn throughout the dress and the skirt fell to her knees. She wore simple white flats and her hair was curled, now hanging in pretty, loose ringlets around her face. Jonathon's hair was slicked back and he wore a navy blue shirt which had been rolled up to the elbows. He wore black trousers and a black tie to finish the outfit. Victor had on a smart black tuxedo, and his brown hair had been spiked up. Doug looked smart in a crisp white shirt and black trousers, and he had on a long black coat. His hair was brushed to the side. The crowd cheered as the six tributes sat down, smiling and waving to the crowds.

"Okay, let's start with Valentina," Jakub said merrily. Valentina smiled politely.
"So, Valentina, what's it like to come first in your District?" Jakub asked.
"Not really that eventful," Valentina said shortly, "It's not like I've already won."
"True," Jakub relented, "But surely it gives you an advantage?"
"Depends what perspective you take," Valentina sighed, shifting in her seat, "On the one hand, some tributes will be less likely to attack me due to being afraid of me, and sponsors are more likely to send things to me in the arena. But then on the other hand, people will see me as a bigger threat and might attempt to take me out ASAP. It really depends on the tribute, regarding whether or not they would attack me. I'm not worried though, I can easily kill anyone."
"So you think you'll win?" Jakub asked. Valentina shrugged.
"I think I have a chance, definitely."

"Alrighty, now onto Amaya!" Jakub trilled. Amaya grinned at Jakub as he spoke her name.
"So Amaya, what type of arena are you hoping for in these games?" He asked carefully. Amaya frowned.
"Hmm, I dunno, actually," she replied carefully, "I'm not all that picky. Forests would probably be good though. The ghost town from the last game would be a literal nightmare for me, so nothing of that sort, hopefully."
"Ah, I see," Jakub nodded, "Well, do you have any secret strategies in the arena?"
Amaya smiled, "See, Jakub, the thing about secrets is that you don't tell anyone. If I told you they wouldn't be secret anymore, now would they?" Although she didn't directly say it, everyone within the general vicinity knew that Amaya was taking a dig at Jakub. Jakub, however, chose to ignore it and moved onto Tatiana.

"So, Tatiana, did you have a job before entering the games?"
"Before being FORCED into the games, you mean," Tatiana said politely, and although the thinly veiled sarcasm was lost on the audience, they laughed anyway - albeit a little nervously. Jakub laughed and nodded.
"I did, actually. I worked at a daycare centre that watched over the kids of the districts whilst their parents worked."
"Sounds awesome!" Jakub grinned, "Did you like it there?"
"Loved it," Tatiana said with a smile, "The other workers there are great, and the kids are amazing."
"You think you'll ever go back to working there?"
Tatiana froze for a moment, her eyes darting around as she tried to think of a response. Finally, she managed to speak.
"I-If I win, sure, of course I will," she stammered out. Jakub nodded sharply, then turned to Jonathon.

"Hey Jonathon! Mind if I call you Jon?" Jakub asked. Jonathon gave him a short little nod, a grin forced onto his face.
"So Jon, any strategies for the arena?" Jakub asked. Jon shrugged.
"My and my allies were talking about what alliances to attack, but eventually we decided to just lay low and hope to not be found. We're hoping to outlast the other tributes using our wits, not weapons."
"Ah, good good," Jakub smiled, "Speaking of weapons, are there any you prefer?"
"Nah," Jonathon mumbled, "I came last in the scores for District 9, so it's kinda a given."
"Perhaps," Jakub relented. "Now onto Victor!"

Victor smiled politely at Jakub and folded his hands in his laps, although everyone watching could tell that it was just a terrible attempt to disguise his tremoring hands.
"So, Victor, quite an interesting name you have. Rather ironic if you die, and a rather big coincidence if you happen to win!"
"Yea, imagine that," Victor mused, "Victor the victor. Has a certain ring to it."
"Do you think you'll have a chance to claim that title?" Jakub asked. Victor paused before answering.
"Truthfully, no. No, I don't think I'll win. My chances of getting through to the Ultimate Games are pretty slim as is, and up against people like Valentina, Aria, Honour and the twins from 8.... No, I doubt I'll win."
"Ah, don't be so negative!" Jakub laughed, "You're being a spoil sport here!"
"Sorry," Victor muttered. Jakub finally turned his attention to the final tribute - Doug.

"Hi, Jakub!" Doug grinned happily. Jakub chortled and smiled back at the boy.
"Hi, Doug!" he replied just as enthusiastically, "Now, how does it feel to be one of the older tributes competing? There's only 4 other 18 years olds, do you think you have an advantage over the younger tributes?"
"Yea, certainly," Doug agreed, "Although other things have to be taken into consideration too. I wouldn't have an advantage over, say, a 17 year old, but most definitely I would over a 12 year old. But saying that, it's hard to draw an exact line of age where I begin to have an advantage. General weapon and survival skills factor in as well."
"Very true, Do-" the buzzer rang loudly, interrupting Jakub. He grinned out to the crowd.

"Well, there you have it folks! That was District 9! Don't go anywhere, District 10 is up next!"

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