Game 2, Day 1 (Bloodbath)

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Adele Green POV

Never before in my life had I been this terrified.

The tube I was standing in jolted and then began to make the slow ascent upwards, upwards towards the arena. Upwards towards death.

My breathing hitched slightly and my chest constricted painfully. Panic began to overrun my mind, consuming every other thought. About a million words were spinning around in my head that I couldn’t possibly decipher, and my hands were clammy with sweat. I wiped my palms on my shirt, feeling my whole body quake in fear. I looked upwards and saw the sun begin to shine down into my tube. Then light blinded me and the plate beneath my feet stopped moving, and I immediately knew I had reached the arena. I looked around at my surroundings, feeling my eyes widen as I took in everything around me. It was a city.

We were stationed in the middle of the city, right in the centre of the town square. Buildings surrounded us, towering high in the air and threatening to collapse. Far off in the distance I could see some suburban homes, and even further out I caught a glimpse of what looked like a forest, however it was far too shadowy and far away to tell. I looked around again, feeling the hairs on my arms begin to stand up. I wasn’t sure quite what it was that felt off about this place. Something wasn’t right. I could see it in the cracked pavements, in the dark cloudy sky, in the vegetation that was practically suffocating the buildings around us. This wasn’t just a city.

It was a ghost town.

As the countdown began, I looked down at the ground, knowing that as soon as I stepped off I would be blown sky high. My fists curled up into balls, and I looked around at the other tributes. They were all preparing to run to the cornucopia, their faces determined and frightened.

Suddenly an overwhelming sense of hopelessness overtook me, and I looked back to the ground. I felt like an immense amount of pressure and stress was weighing down on me, threatening to suffocate me. I looked around once more at the other tributes, at the kids I would be forced to kill, and some part of me broke inside. I shook my head as if to fight away my thoughts, but they kept on coming. I shut my eyes and bit my lip, feeling my eyes begin to tear up. I opened my eyes and looked over at the cornucopia, and my shoulders sunk in defeat. I couldn’t do it. This was all too much.

“I can’t do it.” I whispered softly. My whole body slumped in defeat as I felt my eyes tear up again. I looked up at the sky once more and let a final tear fall, before I took a deep breath and stepped off my platform.

Yasmine Davis POV


The ground shook violently as Adele Green from District 5 stepped off her platform, effectively blowing herself up into a thousand tiny pieces. I screamed as some of her blood splattered across my face, and I immediately began to desperately wipe it off, gagging the whole time. My hands were now covered in blood, and I glanced over to the now empty platform to my left, trembling in horror. I tried to ignore it and instead took another look around at the ghost town. I was facing the entrance to the horn, an ideal position, and I could see all the weapons and the backpacks. The supplies were spread out around the town square, getting more valuable the further you went to the cornucopia. For example, a few paces in front of me there was a small loaf of bread that could fit in my hand, but right in the cornucopia I could see a large rucksack, lots of large backpacks, and cruel looking weapons.

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