Game 3, Day 1 (Bloodbath)

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Misty Wolfe POV

I felt my stomach churn violently as the platform beneath by feet lurched, moving upwards and towards the arena at a steady pace. I let out a deep breath and clenched my hands, shutting my eyes and mumbling words of encouragement to myself. I didn't believe a word of what was spewing from my mouth. It was all lies, I knew it, and no amount of self-encouragement would stop my impending doom.
Are you ready to die in exactly 60 seconds, Misty?
'Shut up,' I mumbled to no one in particular.

The platform finally broke the surface and light stabbed at my eyes, making me cringe and recoil from the sun. I recovered and looked around at my surroundings.
All the tributes were stood in a huge, vast grassland. It stretched out for miles and miles behind me, there was no end in sight. On either side of me, in the distance, I could see the shadowy, tall figures of trees. And across from me, behind the cornucopia, it looked much the same, however after a few hundred metres the earth suddenly dipped downwards. I could smell sea salt in the air.

I glanced to my left. Renee was stood on the platform, looking absolutely scared to death. To her left was Tatiana. To my right was Rudy, who had positioned himself into a running stance towards the cornucopia, and to his right was Victor. All the alliances seemed fairly spread out, it seemed to be random.

Now I looked to the cornucopia. I could see weapons and large supplies all stuffed into the mouth of the cornucopia, and spread out around it were less desirable items. The further out they were, the less use they were. Lying just a few metres from my feet was a watch, something that would be utterly useless in the games. Backpacks were all scattered around 10 or so metres away from the cornucopia, maybe 15. I nodded to myself. I'd get one pack, maybe one for Renee if she was being attacked or getting the useless items. I trusted Max to get his own quickly, he wasn't an idiot.

"Tributes, let the third installment of the 200th Hunger Games... begin!"

All chaos broke loose as the various tributes stampeded forward, towards the cornucopia. I heard an ear-piercing scream to my right, and looked over to see Valentina chasing after Victor Soto, wielding a katana. Finally she leapt forward, grabbing the boy by the hair, then she brought her katana forward and slashed it across the boys throat. A scream tore from my chest as blood spurted from the boys neck wound and he crumpled forward to the floor, seeming to cave in on himself. I let out a shaky breath and continued to run.

As I ran I passed by a dark, forest green backpack, and I knelt down and scooped it up. I felt vulnerable, so vulnerable, without any weapons, and made a split second. I ran into the mouth of the cornucopia and quickly snatched up a hatchet. Having a weapon in my grip made me feel far safer.
I jumped, and looked downwards to see Jonathon Roy, blood gurgling from his mouth and a gaping wound in his stomach. Bile churned in my gut.
"Pleee... ill.... Me..."
I felt my fists curl into balls. This was sick. Disgusting. I hated the Capitol.
I nodded with a sob, then brought my hatchet upwards. Jonathon nodded slightly, and I could tell it was taking a lot out of him. I shut my eyes, and brought the hatchet downwards, onto his throat. I didn't even have to look at the body again to know that he was dead. The blood now splattered across my arms and weapon was a bloody witness of what I had done. Even though it was a mercy kill, I was still afraid to acknowledge what I had done.

I sprinted out of the cornucopia, my eyes scanning the area wildly for Renee and Max. My eyes fell upon a body and my stomach twisted, but when I ran closer I could tell it wasn't either of my allies, but Tim Martin. He had been beheaded, and I had no doubt in my mind that Jay was the killer. He seemed to have a penchant for beheading his victims. I moved away from the body.

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