The Ultimate Games - Day 2 (Afternoon)

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Mike Roberts POV

"So," I muttered, "This is..."

"Awkward," Hope finished bluntly. She kicked at the dirt.

"We have to talk about this, Hope," I said, "Nick's right, we can't keep dancing around eachother."

"We aren't dancing around eachother," Hope grumbled, "We're at most politely ignoring."


"What?" she snapped, turning her head to me, "You don't get to be pissed at me. You're the one who surprise-kissed me before we went into the arena."

"Well you didn't stop me, now did you?" I snapped. My temper was starting to wear out.

Hope sighed and hung her head, shaking it slowly from side to side. I watched her as she stared at the ground for a few moments.

"I can't do this, Mike," Hope muttered. She stood up, picking up one of the backpacks.

"Wh-What are you doing?"

"I can't be allied with you and Nick while my stupid fucking emotions get in the way of things," Hope said. She pulled the pack onto her shoulders, a looks of sorrow on her face.

"Please don't go."

"I'm sorry, Mike," Hope murmured, "Tell Nick I'm sorry too. Our group was going to split at some point or another, may as well start now."

She bit her lip, staring at me for a few moments, then turned and began to walk away, dragging her feet slightly as if she was dreading every step. I wondered if she was.

"Do you love me?" I asked suddenly. Hope stopped in her tracks, her shoulders sagging. She looked over her shoulder at me, a sad look on her face.

"I don't know."

Then, she turned and walked into the trees, alone.

Talia Carter POV

I walked alongside Ramona, swatting away a fly that appeared in my face. Ramona grumbled something and sliced viciously at a branch in her path. I cringed away as the branch went flying.


"I'm fine," Ramona spat, stomping forward.

"Okay," I mumbled, jogging to catch up, "Can I just ask where we're going?"

"I don't know," Ramona growled, her voice hinting at irritation towards me. I dropped it and didn't answer, walking silently along beside her.

Ramona suddenly froze up, her eyes widening. I stopped in my tracks, turning to her and raising my eyebrows.

She ran forward and towards an opening in the trees, and I cried out, running after her. She stopped at the treeline, staring at whatever was in the clearing. I caught up to her, panting from the sudden run, then my eyes snapped to the clearing, or rather, what was in it.

There was a small backpack on the ground that looked to be filled with supplies. Further down the clearing was a small fire, over which something was cooking. In the centre of the clearing stood a person, with their back turned to us. And who was standing in the middle of the clearing?

None other than Alejandro Hale. The same person who had murdered our friend not even 6 hours ago.

"You!" Ramona shrieked. Alejandro spun around to face her, but before he could so much as blink, Ramona was charging towards him, wielding a small sword and slashing it at him furiously. Alejandro yelled as the sword tore through his upper arm and staggered backwards, obviously surprised at the sudden assault, then he charged forward again and dove for Ramona, wrapping his arms around her and bringing him to the ground.

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