The Ultimate Games - Day 1

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Ali Richardson POV

Oh fuck.

A shiver went down my spine as the platform I was standing on began to rise, isolating me from my mentor. I wrapped my arms around myself, my teeth beginning to chatter. It wasn't the cold that had me shivering. It was the impending doom that awaited me above. This was different from the Qualifying Round, I could feel it. This was the final stretch.

And 23 of us were going to die.

A blinding light suddenly struck me and I squinted, instinctively shielding my eyes with my hand. Then the platform beneath me feet suddenly halted, and I blinked rapidly, trying to adjust to my surroundings.

"Tributes, welcome to the 200th Hunger Games. May the odds be ever in your favour."

Then, the countdown began.

I tried to fight the hysteria quickly rising within me and looked wildly around at my surroundings. We were situated in a large clearing. Surrounding us, beginning about 10 metres behind me, was a ring of forest. I looked upwards now. Mountains surrounded us on all sides, grassy and lively looking. Somewhere, a river was running, or perhaps it was a lake?

We were in the middle of a valley. Quite a beautiful one, too. I could hear the distant sound of birds chirping, and tiny little flowers poked their heads out of the grass beneath my feet. Who would've thought that a place so beautiful would play host to the horrors of something like the Hunger Games?


I clenched my fists, shutting my eyes. I had to think.

Dianna, Thomas and I had agreed to run into the cornucopia. My job was to get weapons, Dianna was to get the packs, and Thomas was to protect us and ensure nothing hurt us. Thomas' job was difficult, he'd have to switch between us constantly. I just hoped he wouldn't blame himself if something went wrong, he'd had enough shit going on after Summer and Toby's deaths.


I looked around wildly, looking for my allies. Dianna was 5 pedestals to my right, looking down at the ground and murmuring to herself. I could barely see Thomas – he was around the other side of the Cornucopia, near the tail.


I let out a deep breath.


This is it, this is actually happening.


Oh god.


You're going to be fine, Ali.


You're going to die, Ali.


Almost everyone sprinted forward and towards the cornucopia, running for the lifesaving supplies. I watched as Chase and Talia simultaneously grabbed a pack each, about halfway to the Cornucopia, then immediately turned on their heels and sprinted into the forest.

They had the right idea.

I heard a loud scream of pain, and my head snapped over to Tatiana Whiteman and Hunter Williamson, wrestling each other on the ground. It seemed like Tatiana was winning, but Hunter suddenly lurched forward, kicking her and making her fly backwards through the air. Hunter moved to stand, but suddenly Phillip Gilbert appeared and quickly grabbed the back of the 14 year olds head, not listening to his cries or pleas, and slammed his head down onto a dagger that was sticking out from the ground. Tatiana shrieked and staggered to her feet, grabbing onto Phillip's arm with wide eyes.

The 200th Annual Hunger Games - The Ultimate GamesWhere stories live. Discover now