chapter 18

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Natsu P.O.V

Loki left us at some kind of entrance, he said that lucy should be in here somewhere, god I hope she ok Loki looked worried and I'm worried now I know of everything she been through and it makes me more determine to find her.

"We should split up we can cover more ground and maybe find her quicker," Erza said looking at me, making sure I don't run off, before she finishes talking.

"If we find out anything, shall we try to regroup?" Wendy asks "or do we just try to focus on finding Lucy"

"Try to regroup if we find out a the plan, or if we find Lucy try to get her out of this place" Erza answered "And Natsu"

"Yes Erza, you going to tell me to think with my head and not my flame" I turned to her and smiled glad that I'm finally getting closer to Lucy.

"No the day that happens that would be a miracle" Erza answered chuckling "No I was going to say find her and make sure she ok, you'll most likely to find her quicker than the rest of us, after all you've spent time in her house you have her strawberry smell memorised, am I correct,"

"Um... how did you know strawberry?" I asked getting embarrassed

"You mumble in your sleep Flame brain" answered Gray

"Why you" I started to fight

"ENOUGH!" shouted Erza "now let's go were wasting time"

"Come on Happy"

"AYE sir" happy said flying behind me as I run ahead

After running round trying to find lucy I'm getting no joy it's as if there blocking the smell either that or they don't let her wonder around so it's really weak, so she must have everything she needs in the room they keep her in.

"Natsuuu...." I hear from above me

"Yes happy?"

"I have a bad feeling, it's as if someone is watching us" Happy Replied

"And someone is, has been since you stepped foot in this place" someone says in front of me.

Normal P.O.

Master came out of the shadows and is facing Natsu.

"who are you?, what do you want with lucy" Natsu ask taking the chance that he may know something about lucy not knowing that he is the one in charge.

"I'm the master the one in charge but that doesn't matter now salamander, because lucy is already on her way to being trapped forever and your too late to save her." Master replied "because after al Lucy is the best candidate for the job"

"Candidate... candidate for what" Natsu creamed getting angry "what's the plan for her?"

"Now that you're going to have to wait and see to find that out, seeing as it's too late for you to save her." The master said taunting Natsu getting him angrier.

The master started laughing then the wall behind Natsu blew apart and revealed Gajeel and Wendy.

"Natsu did you find bunny girl,"

"No... but I found the one in charge" Natsu answered to Gajeel

"Then what you waiting for lets fight"

Natsu P.O.V

We combined together to have a powerful attack.

"FIRE Dragon...

SKY Dragon...

IRON Dragon... ROAR"

When the smoke cleared away from the triple attack, they saw that the master was still standing.

"Nice try but it will take more than that I'm afraid" the master said.

"Ice make Lance"

"Wheel of heaven"

"Erza, Gray" I started

"Water lock prison"

"Juvia" I finished

"That should hold him till we find love rival" Juvia said to us

"Nice try but that won't hold me" master said hen transported behind me "good luck trying to find Lucy now"

I charged after him then he was gone

"Natsu, I found out the plan and I don't think we got a lot of time" Erza shouted to me as I was about to run

"How much time we got? And what their plan?" I asked wanting to know how to save Lucy.

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