chapter 13

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Lucy POV

"yes Lucy,"
"why am I here, their are wizards a lot stronger than me, why do you need me?"
"im not aloud to tell you Im sorry, I want to, im the only one that doeant want this plan to happen," 
"Please tell me and i can try to help you back, please"
"you're here because..."

Abigail POV
"you're here because ....."
what do I do, tell her the truth or a lie, tell her I want to save her, or just walk out of the room, I want to help her so I guess I tell her what I can.
"you're here because my master isn't happy, and to make it worse my master is my father, I really don't want to be here or be any part of this,"
I looked up at Lucy she looked calm and then spoke
"I know you don't want to be here, I could tell when I first met, and sorry about your father, mine wasn't exactly much better, till I ran away, created a new life with fairy tail and gained a new family no matter what has happened," she looked at her hand as she said that then continued " I maybe blond but im not stupid Abigail I know your avoiding my questions to stop us from getting hurt, but I need to know the truth and the plan if I want to figure a way out and I want to help you in the process help you get away and create your own life please Abigail."

I looked up to see her looking motivated, I saw a piece of paper and when over to it to write a note being careful.
"I can't Lucy im sorry," I said as I pressed the note into her hand, knowing there are microphones about but not where
" I got to go ill be back later ok."

I walked out to see reaper looking guilty,
"How long?" I asked he looked down avoiding my question "Reaper how long?"
"one day at the most, but Lucy is in luck they are on their way again that to someone leaving them clue's, and the god thing this time we have no more hide out s there's a chance," Reaper replied
"so I got a day to work something out unless they come first which I hope they do cause I hate improvising on the spot, have you told master this time?"
"No I hate this plan as much as you do , and I cant lose you but I have to keep the act up or all goes downhill and lucky you I was able to disable the cameras just before Lucy asked you questions" Reaper said
"thank you now lets go before someone find out" I said walking away

Lucy POV

Abigail left me a note just before she left, she also admits that she doesn't want to be here, I want to help her but I don't know how. I look down at the note and a bit of hope rises in me.


Lucy, I hate this as much as you do, but please trust me when I say fairy tail are on their way and when I see them I will do my best to help them get you out of here I promise.
Stay strong and try not to be upset if your upset master can use that to his advantage.

I need to stay strong to survive this, fairy tail there coming, Happy, Erza, Gray, Natsu, everyone please hurry, before its too late.

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