chapter 40

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hi guys, thanks for being patient, hope you enjoy the chapter, unfortunately im not well so please ingnore any mistkes that may be here. also thanks Little_Lover_Girl_ for helping me to stay motivated, this girl is amazing and i would be lost without her.


Master Makarov p.o.v

I look up to see my child Lucy trapped.

Natsu next to me, I can feel the anger going through him, FairyTail behind me feeling anger, hurt, at the person that has caused this, and scared for their fellow nakama.

"Levy?" I ask, forming a plan in my head, knowing that we got to do something, anything to get Lucy out of this. I look over to see The Master back over by the controls, obviously not worried about us or Reaper.

"Yes Master?" she asks from behind, FairyTail all bare a few are looking at me waiting for what I have to say. Natsu team and I looking at Lucy, hoping that we can save her in time.

"If I can get The Master away from the controls, can you see what you need to do to slow that thing down or even better stop it so we can get Lucy out?"

"Erza? Take a group with you over to Reaper help him protect Abigail, we can sort out how to help them when this is over, just protect them." I take a breath, and another look at Lucy, her Face is scrunched up, as if she's having a debate in her head, or having a nightmare that she can't escape.


"I'm staying with you," Natsu cut me off, I look him in the eye to see fire burning, what started off as Natsu creating a fair to cheer her up, has turned into a fight.

"Okay then, but for once, think before you punch, we don't want to put her in anymore danger, we don't know what that machine is doing to her." I said to him, seeing him nod in agreement.

"Wendy, go over to Lucy, she may need you if we can get her out, and then you'll be safer as well.

"Happy, Carla, go with her" Natsu added knowing that they can help get Lucy down when the time comes.

I turned back so I'm facing The Master, not noticing that I've turned away from him, yet he hasn't moved.

"You know that's not going to stop me," he said chuckling, yet he hasn't turned to face us. Something not right.

Natsu p.o.v

My anger bubbling.

I look over at gramps to see him give a slight nod that was all I needed, knowing that everyone is in place.

I ran towards him, his back still facing me.


The flame hit him, but everything went quite, I suddenly can't move, I feel trapped, I look over to see everyone, including Reaper in the same position as me, unable to move... what is going on? It as if we've all been frozen to the spot.

"Magnificent, isn't it" I heard The Master say,

I try once more to move, but had no luck, can see everyone struggling, "what did you do to us?" I screamed, getting angrier by the second.

"I simply saw through your plan... knew what magic you all used and put a barrier up and then surrounded you with several different barriers so you can move," the Master replied.


"Ow" I said opening my eyes to now see all of us up against the wall,

"That is unless I move you of course, and I always make it hurt." He finished saying, what magic does this guy use.

I look to see Lucy shaking, no please be ok, please.

"Now for me, to have a bit of fun," The Master started looking directly at me, I looked over to see everyone looking confuse and then looked back straight at The Master, daring him to do his worse, knowing that it me Lucy will be left alone, even if it's only for a few minutes. "Starting with this..." The Master finished.

"AAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I heard my self-scream, as I'm panting to get my breath, I hear the rest of the guild scream, it's as if there electricity going through my body, and I fought Laxus, but I can even hear him screaming. He's hitting us one at a time, making us watch and hear each other scream, the only one that doesn't make a noise is reaper, but I can tell by seeing his face, he's in just as much pain as the rest of us, like he's had this before.

What the hell is this guy's magic.

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