chapter 23

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Lucy p.o.v

After Loke left Reaper turned to me with a guilty look in his eyes.

"I'm sorry that I can't do more Lucy but I'm trying to protect my family, that's why I had to take you, make you sleep, and everything else that I had to do. I was doing it all to save Abigail. I'm so sorry Lucy." Reaper had his head down looking guilty and sorry, I can't help think all the times I put myself at risk to save fairytail with the battle with phantom Lord.

"Reaper look at me," he looked up "I understand honestly I do because your sister is you nakama same as fairytail is mine, I know what its like to take risks and be controlled because your trying to protect the people you love, honestly I do and because of that I forgive you and im going to do anything in the name of fairytail to make sure you and your sister get out safe even if I got to take a risk," I said looking him in the eye "now put me to sleep so it looked like I struggled and wake me when it's time I know what to do, don't worry you and your sister are going to be safe... I promise" I finished off looking at Reaper with the strength of fairytail, the strength of my family.

Reaper p.o.v

I looked at Lucy and saw her with determination and strength but I can't help see the fear in her eyes the fear I saw in my mother's eyes before she ran to fight the fear of knowing your not going to survive.

" Lucy why do I have that feeling that you have something going on in your head a plan that doesn't guarantee that your not going to be following us when we run." I looked up to see Lucy smile and acting as if she's not afraid, avoiding what I said by turning away.


"ow Lucy what the hell!" looking at ger shock she slapped me she actually slapped me

"10 seconds" was all she said.

The barrier it'll be gone soon how could I forget

"but why did you slap me?" still not quite understanding.

"5 seconds... so you make me sleep I'm sorry" she quickly said looking guilty but determined.

Getting back in character "Lucy you slap me again ill be.." *SLAP*

" sleep!" as I said that Lucy fell into my arms, knowing that im going to be left with a mark, proof that she didn't come willingly.

GOD that girl can slap.

I picked her up and walked out the room.

Natsu p.o.v

Come on Lucy where are you, I should be able to find you now.

Loke, Erza and Gray have gone to the engine room.... Wait what's that smell


Didn't they hear me stop, I got up and saw Carla helping Wendy up and Gajeel dusting himself off.

"Natsu do you smell that?" I looked down at Wendy and nodded my head.

"Yeah its Lucy scent were getting close" I said looking hopeful but scared that were to late.

"then what we waiting for lets save bunny girl" I turned and saw Gajeel looking at me as if he's waiting for me to be ready to go.

"Happy you ready?" I looked up to see him flying above my head.


"then let's go, I'm all fired up."

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