chapter 30

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Happy's p.o.v

"Carla?" I asked as we were flying ahead to find that door. We're having no luck they've all been storage closets, whoever this master guy is he's got smart thinking, and I'm a cat agreeing with him here. Come on Lucy you got to be around here somewhere.

"Yes Happy?" Carla flew right up next to me, probably thinking I'm going to offer her a fish out my backpack. She looks worried; to be honest I am too.

"Do you think Lucy ok?" I got this feeling in my gut and it's not hunger, I'm scared I need Lucy and Plue back.

"To be honest Happy..." Carla started but looks as if she doesn't want to speak her opinion, "I'm not sure to be honest, I think we need to find her quick and just hope we can save them, Reaper, Abigail, her spirits, Loki won't last much longer due to the barriers I can feel going up," she finished, so she can feel them going up as well, I just hope that Lucy ok, the others have been testing their magic behind us as we run, but it's all working ok, my guess is to stop Lucy from fighting back, which means it'll effect Loki.

We look at each other with fear in our eyes. I take her hand and give it a squeeze hoping to reassure her, as we carry on looking for the right door.

"Happy...What's that?" Carla whispered, I looked down onto the ground where she's pointing and fly down to it.

"Lucy ribbon... were getting closer" I said feeling shocked that it would be there, I turn round to face Natsu a few steps behind us to see us but too far to talk, I turn round and look around us and there a door, huge, as if it's made for a giant.

Carla goes over and peak through the door "it's another corridor, but Lucy's scent is stronger down here" she says to me.

"let's wait for Natsu and the others before we go down, something tells me this is where it all turns..." "aaarrrggggghhhhhh" I hear a scream behind me. Carla looks at me with fear in her eyes, I turn back to find Natsu behind me.

"Natsu...what was that?" I ask and he just stares down the corridor.

"I'm not sure happy but hopefully it's not what I think it is." Natsu replied looking down at me thinking what I'm thinking.


Loki p.o.v

My magic is fading ...why is it fading, I should be able to last a couple of days unless there a magic barrier being put up to stop Lucy from fighting.

"Erza?" I started "how long have we been here ?"

"Um...a day maybe close to two, I'm not sure there no windows to help us out here, lucy was the one that kept track of the time when we were on a mission." Erza responding slowing down to a stop with the machine.

"Erza I got enough magic for a unison raid...but" I took a breath scared to leave Lucy here on her own. We need to save her and fast.

"But...what Loki?" Erza said now looking at me, I think she can see how tired I am, how hard it is to stay here. It must be a barrier otherwise there would be more warning signs.

"Because of Lucy situation and the barriers that I think are now in place. But I think there only for celestial wizards and spirits because you're still ok on magic level. It may be what sends me back till all this is over, if I get sent back the barriers won't allow me back over so I'm relying on you and Natsu to save Lucy. I'll be back as soon as the barriers are down." I looked her in the eyes she can see what I mean she understands.

"You better come back as soon as it's possible." Erza said more demanded me I just nodded my head, "Let's do it"

Normal p.o.v

Erza and Loki perform a unison raid, which knock the power out throughout the cave.

But there is one problem with Reaper's plan.

The master knew.

So while Loki and Erza where knocking the power out and reaper was with Abigail before he told him to get Lucy ready, he connected the machine up to an emergency power bank.

The Master is talking to Lucy, Natsu and the gang is close, Loki is back in the spirit world hoping and wishing for Fairytail to hurry up.

While Lucy, is realising one thing.

It is too late.

Too late for fairy tail

Is it too late to get Abigail, Reaper and Lucy out of this?

author note

hey guys my friend Little_Lover_Girl_  has just joined wattpad and is slowly writing a story go and follow, read, make her feel welcome :-)

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